An Open Marriage


Don't you understand, she's not horny for her husband, she's horny for.....oh yees nevermind :doh:


Maybe it's not really "great". I mean seriously, how would this chick know? She hasn't boned him in HOW long???

well... how old is her son?

put a bag over your head, or get rid of all the mirrors in the house.

that helps him- not her!

Your not in my situation, therefor you don't know whats going on. When a woman has a child, it takes a while to get that desire back, (well at least some women), and I have yet to get the drive back that I had before my son. It's not that it isn't great, it's just the feeling of not really needing it. I have to much on my plate to worry about the next time I'm gonna get my back banged out.:shrug:

well then i just wont have a kid cause i love my sex life too much for that. i still dont see that possible, if u love someone youre going to want to get it. you obviously just dont love him.

Too much on your've been on here all day. Who's taking care of your son?

uhm... im sure she has left nothing on her plate

Only if you're married to SingerLady...


Honey I've had 4 kids... and I am telling you I'd get railed out right now if someone would come over here!

ill be right over....

So she suffers from a case of post childbirth frigidity?

thats the start

That's probably a good thing, because your not

whers bs gal? i found someone more annoying than me!