And here they come..

Tequilla Sunset

New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
Look at it this way... You can always go out with him again for his bachelor party...:yay:
Not this one. I don't even want to see him. We weren't friends first, it wasn't a little talk we had on Sunday that we just weren't working as a couple.... It was a "we have nothing in common, you are too moody, I can't handle your attitude" talk that I had with him.. I don't want to be his friend.

Tequilla Sunset

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Then why are you obsessing and posting about him? :jet:
NOt obsessing really.. Just wanted to write about feelings that are somewhat normal at the end of a relationship. You tend to remember the good times. For God's sake, I just ended it 3 days ago.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tequilla Sunset
For God's sake, I just ended it 3 days ago.
Please. You only dated him for 4 months. BFD. You should have a new beau by now.

Tequilla Sunset

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Please. You only dated him for 4 months. BFD. You should have a new beau by now.
Actually, I already had a new one picked out before Sunday. I just don't want to jump from one into the other.


Originally posted by Tequilla Sunset
Actually, I already had a new one picked out before Sunday. I just don't want to jump from one into the other.
I get it, you don't want to "appear" to be a ho, so even though you did pick out another one you are holding off for appearance sake. Gotcha :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tequilla Sunset
Actually, I already had a new one picked out before Sunday. I just don't want to jump from one into the other.
Why not? It's called "dating". You don't have to shack up with them on the first date. Go out and have fun. What's the problem?


I went thru that back and forth crap, break up, get back together, break up again, each promising the other they would change, and you know what? It doesn’t work, in the long run; those same reasons will surface again. Go find somebody your happy with just the way they are, forget the other guy, and just remember it is ok to miss them and that you are only remembering the good, not the bad. This is the same guy that got his underwear in a wand because you got held over at work? IMO, you should have been done with that a while ago. I thought he was being very unreasonable about something that was clealy out of your control.


curiouser and curiouser
I was in your shoes (sort of) a few years ago. I was dating someone who was so beneath my standards it's ridiculous. We had nothing in common, he had (still has) nothing going for him, etc. Bottom line, we were wrong for each other. In true "smart girl meets dumb guy" fashion, I got pregnant, and scared. It took my son being born to realize that I could do much better than a stupid SOB who treated me like I was nothing. It takes awhile to get over the pain, not really of the breakup, but of the realization that you just wasted x amount of months or years on a PITA that wasn't worth your time or effort. Trust me, you don't want - or need - him back


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Nickel
I was dating someone who was so beneath my standards it's ridiculous.

Ahem. :duh: I TOLD YOU SO!!!! :lol: However, you, unlike most learned your lesson the FIRST time. Not even the almighty all knowing Christy :diva: managed that. :lmao:


I am so very blessed
I definitely need to raise my standards on dating material. If you have known or have seen some of the guys I've dated, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.....



Just remember all the bad things about him that made you not interested in the end.... Then you'll be fine! :cheers: a beer or two always helps....


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by Christy
Ahem. :duh: I TOLD YOU SO!!!! :lol: However, you, unlike most learned your lesson the FIRST time. Not even the almighty all knowing Christy :diva: managed that. :lmao:

:lol: Hindsight is 20/20

Guess that makes me Queen :diva: :shrug:

Tequilla Sunset

New Member
I know I deserve better than him. It's just a matter of giving myself time. I am sitting around moping about it or anything, I am the last person in the world to do that. I just realized while in this relationship why I haven't had any that lasted over a month for the past 2 years. I am not ready for it. I like going out and having fun, not having to worry about seeing someone a few times a week or however often it ends up being. Too much stress in my life is caused by relationships. I am happier not in one, with my friends for company. :biggrin:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Tequilla Sunset
It's just a matter of giving myself time.

No offense TS, BUT, it was a 4 month relationship for crap sake. Do you do this every time? :confused: I've never understood why women (and men) pine over an ex.