I bowl overhand
OK, those are the instants in time that I worry most about. Does that go in the gray area of 'can't control everything/#### happens' or did you mess up, if only for an instant? I mean, obviously, you caught it before anything happened and you were inspired to put plasma cutters on the forks ( ) but I am interested in your mindset, as a high mile rider, because I wanna become a high mile rider, too.
I was driving BG's truck at the time, with BG in the passenger seat..
The rider was in the worst location possible, and he was doing nothing to improve the situation. He should have realized I was there either turning right or left (that part doesn't matter) and should have either sped up, or slowed down to get out of the cars shadow. He was in steady cruise mode and never recognized the threat.
I've been in the same situation, and I USUALLY accelerate and get as far left as I can, making sure there is a clear Line of Sight between me and car turning into the road, watch their face/eyes, and their front tires for movement. Other times I've slowed and let the car turning right clear so there is a clear LOS between me and the car entering. Then if they pull out I've slowed enough to brake in time (I hope). Either way you choose, if you don't have a clear Line of SIght to the car, even if you can see them, chances are they can't see you.