And The Real Winner Is... John Edwards!!!



UrbanPancake said:
I don't know. I agree that it's great that so many people came out to vote. But the sad truth is that most people voted based on Bush's social policy, and not his economic agenda. I mean it's great that Americans came out and voted, but to vote without knowing your candidates positions, and his agenda seems like a wasted and uninformed vote.

C'mon Urban! The election's over, so you can drop the "the economy is in the tank" rhetoric. The economy is stroking along just fine, and has been for quite a while. I've been selling cars down here in Florida for the past six months, waiting for a job in my chosen field to open up. And now I'm getting to sit back and review several solid job offers... thanks to the great economy that Bush helped revive with his tax cuts.

If you're still trying to run around convincing people that the economy is bad, you're lumping yourself in with those who still think the Earth is flat.


Pete said:

One things for sure, nothing makes so exquisite a whine as sanctimonious sour grapes.

They usually grow in the vines of California, but can often be found in Massechusetts.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What the hell does that mean?

A prominent republican (I can't remember his name now, it was in the morning newspaper) said that Bush shouldn't take his win as a mandate to change or promote a conservative economic policy.

He's been, from day one, cutting taxes and working to make the code more fair and he's already made clear fixing the code is one of three things he wants to get done.

1. Cut taxes/fix tax code
2. Fix Social Security
3. Provide for the commone defense

He most definately has a mandate to continue doing what he has been doing.