For your consideration ...
In my experience, speaking with others that smoke it, 40-50's even 70yo I know, they say, yes, it's higher in THC than in the past. But what they do is smoke less of it rather than a whole bowl or joint as was done in the past, to account for its strength. Which also makes the quantity they have last longer. (A little goes a long way). Just like only having only a beer or two so as not to get drunk, but still have a slight buzz, rather than drinking an entire case and getting sloshed.
Apparently with the new strains much higher in THC, people have learned that it's best to smoke less each time they do so. Which may also account for marijuana sales plummeting in places like California causing businesses to close and pulling out of the industry, other than cartel interference of course. Their product is so strong now, people need less to get their mellow on. Where as an ounce of weed may have lasted someone week, may now last up to a month. The law of unintended consequences applies here. Engineer a stronger product, and oops, people smoke less to get the same high reducing overall sales. Anecdotal for sure, though, makes logical sense.
As far as "Marijuana Psychosis" goes? It does seem to be very clear from research that if a person already has a chronic psychotic condition, such as schizophrenia, that using marijuana can trigger an episode of psychosis, rather than in a normal functioning person. With that, studies also show that people with certain genes that predispose them to schizophrenia are more likely to develop the condition if they use cannabis. Other than that, marijuana-induced psychotic episodes/symptoms are rare.
Also, I don't think marijuana use itself causes homelessness, unless there are other far more serious things going on in a person's life; self-induced, (bad decisions), or by events out of their control. Marijuana just doesn't have that type of effect on people like alcohol and opioid, and their derivatives, use does.
My opinion.