And this list is?


Nothing to see here
1.Nomar Garciaparra
2.Manny Ramirez
3.Johnny Damon
4.Trot Nixon
5.David Ortiz
6.Shea Hillenbrand
7.Derek Lowe
8.Pedro Martinez
9.Brian Roberts
10.Jay Gibbons
11.Melvin Mora
12.Jerry Hairston
13.Jason Giambi
14.Alfonso Soriano
15.Raul Mondesi
16. Aaron Boone
17.Andy Pettitte
18.Jose Contreras
19.Roger Clemens
20.Carlos Delgado
21.Vernon Wells
22.Frank Catalanotto
23.Kenny Rogers
24.Magglio Ordonez
25.Sandy Alomar
26.Bartolo Colon
27.Brent Abernathy
28.Jose Lima
29.Milton Bradley
30.Casey Blake
31.Danys Baez
32.Craig Monroe
33.Dmitri Young
34.Alex Sanchez
35.Eric Chavez
36.Miguel Tejada
37.Eric Byrnes
38.Jose Guillen
39.Keith Foulke
40.Ricardo Rincon
41.Bret Boone
42.Mike Cameron
43.Randy Winn
44.Ryan Franklin
45.Freddy Garcia
46.Rafael Soriano
47.Scott Spiezio
48.Troy Glaus
49.Francisco Rodriguez
50.Ben Weber
51.Alex Rodriguez
52.Juan Gonzalez
53.Rafael Palmeiro
54.Carl Everett
55.Javy Lopez
56.Gary Sheffield
57.Mike Hampton
58.Ivan Rodriguez
59.Derrek Lee
60.Bobby Abreu
61.Terry Adams
62.Fernando Tatis
63.Livan Hernandez
64.Hector Almonte
65.Tony Armas
66.Dan Smith
67.Roberto Alomar
68.Cliff Floyd
69.Roger Cedeno
70.Jeromy Burnitz
71.Moises Alou
72.Sammy Sosa
73.Corey Patterson
74.Carlos Zambrano
75.Mark Prior
76.Kerry Wood
77.Matt Clement
78.Antonio Alfonseca
79.Juan Cruz
80.Aramis Ramirez
81.Craig Wilson
82.Kris Benson
83.Richie Sexson
84.Geoff Jenkins
85.Valerio de los Santos
86.Benito Santiago
87.Rich Aurilia
88.Barry Bonds
89.Andres Galarraga
90.Jason Schmidt
91.Felix Rodriguez
92.Jason Christiansen
93.Matt Herges
94.Paul Lo Duca
95.Shawn Green
96.Oliver Perez
97.Adrian Beltre
98.Eric Gagne
99.Guillermo Mota
100.Luis Gonzalez
101.Todd Helton
102.Ryan Klesko
103.Gary Matthews


I read the first two names and decided to just click away. But then I decided to come back and post this.


Nothing to see here
It's our Jr. Wannabe Pharmacists and God helps those who help themselves types!!

:lol: probably a best guess by someone, who knows.

The whole steroid test given back then was supposed to be anonymous. Who ever is leaking this crap should be sued to the end of the earth. Baseball, as a whole, should stand up and say eff you to any media outlet that releases or hints at that list. I am not a fan of steroids, but being stabbed in the back by this stuff getting out is bs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:lol: probably a best guess by someone, who knows.

The whole steroid test given back then was supposed to be anonymous. Who ever is leaking this crap should be sued to the end of the earth. Baseball, as a whole, should stand up and say eff you to any media outlet that releases or hints at that list. I am not a fan of steroids, but being stabbed in the back by this stuff getting out is bs.

OK, I find that interesting. I would have guessed that the cynicism of the owners might have been too much for you and maybe you'd see this as getting their butts on the boy seat for letting this go on so long?


Nothing to see here
OK, I find that interesting. I would have guessed that the cynicism of the owners might have been too much for you and maybe you'd see this as getting their butts on the boy seat for letting this go on so long?

I am not talking about this going on so long, I am talking about a supposedly anonymous test that was done years ago and now it's leaking out. This was sold to the players union (who I despise, but thats another story) as a one time thing to determine how bad steroids were in baseball. It is total BS that this stuff is getting out. Baseball has more stringent testing than any other pro sports now, but they are still getting beat up about the 90s. I think football has a bigger problem with roids than baseball nowadays, but their testing isn't as stringent and they(NFL) aren't as forthcoming.

Lets go back to the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, were there tests for uppers in any sport? I laff my azz off at the hysteria now about drugs/roids/whatever, but they were fine back then to deal with the grind of pro sports because you never heard about it.

Frankly, I don't care that much for many guys in pro sports, I think they all are narcissist and if they want to shorten their lives with drugs, fine, have at it. I am sick of hearing about it from the talking wannabee heads in the media.

So..what we have here..

I hate the media.(#1 with a bullet)
I hate the players.
I hate the owners.

Sucks, don't it? :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Lets go back to the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, were there tests for uppers in any sport? I laff my azz off at the hysteria now about drugs/roids/whatever, but they were fine back then to deal with the grind of pro sports because you never heard about it.

Uppers, caffeine, that kind of thing is one thing. I will always love the Orioles of the 70's yet I do not think they were angels. They were Orioles. :lol: But you know what I mean. Their talent for the game was mostly skill.

Nowadays, Being able to take 350 foot pop flys and turn them into 410 homers is NOT a talent. Being able to recover from injuries quicker is not fair. Pitchers, all of them.

I don't wanna sound all nostalgic for the good ol' days, but I guess that's what it is.

As for football, I totally agree; the system is set up so you can get your big pay day signing bonus just before the roids where their bodies out.


New Member
This list just goes to prove that the 3 players that I have always said will go down in history as this era's best are....

Albert Pujols
Derek Jeter &
Ken Griffey Jr.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
lol why, because Pujols hasn't been caught yet?

That was my reaction. :lol:

The VAST majority of 'roid use has been, it seems, to heal quicker, to deal with nagging injuries, not for pure, raw strength. Kinda hard to NOT do that with so much money on the line. Lots of US troops, especially rough and tumble high speed units, have been using, supposedly.

If I needed to fight, march, lug gear and keep it up, I'd do it, damn sure.


Nothing to see here
lol why, because Pujols hasn't been caught yet?

That's the shame of it, I keep waiting for Pujols production to slack off or the obvious symtoms of roid use to show, but he keeps going and going. He really doesn't get the credit he deserves for the numbers he puts up, not flying completely under the radar but not the kind of recognition he deserves for the monster numbers he has.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And the proof is in the puddin. Pujols is on the DL more ofter than most all power hitters and we all know how injury pron Griffey is.

Because they don't heal quick from roid use.

That is probably very true.

Underneath it all is reporters, as usual, not doing their jobs. They go along to get along, violating ANY ethics they may claim. Same as much of the rest of journalism.