Rocket Skateboard?My brother Gaslighted when he was young...
He only did that once....
Rocket Skateboard?My brother Gaslighted when he was young...
He only did that once....
Rocket Skateboard?
I believe it falls under At Will...
I have to download that for my kindle app and enjoy a refresh.
Exactly as it should be. Unemployment insurance is for when you lose your job through no fault of your own. You don't get it for what is effectively voluntarily quitting.
And yes, that is precisely what happens when you work for government. Anyone who didn't understand this when choosing the easy way out vs. private employment didn't do their homework.
Mind you, I don't support a vaccine mandate, but nor do I support a gaggle of whining children who KNOW they are wards of the State when choosing government employment over the private sector.
This may finally be the way to drain that swamp Trump wasn't able to. I'd like to see government employment shrink by at least 1/3 due to all of this.
Too bad, so sad, ZERO sympathy.
At-will covers private employment. No government employment is at-will, unfortunately.
No.did you watch the TV Series ... well Netfliks I think,
Exactly as it should be. Unemployment insurance is for when you lose your job through no fault of your own. You don't get it for what is effectively voluntarily quitting.
Watch and see - BLM will come out with this in the next few days. Then the progbots can all cry that BLM is a white supremacist organization.
Watch and see - BLM will come out with this in the next few days. Then the progbots can all cry that BLM is a white supremacist organization.
Where the **** have you been dildo, the last year and a half EVERYONE GETS unemployment.
Some were out 10+ months with full pay on Covid leave....
The way to avoid any of this is to seek private employment.![]()
I should probably look in to that.
That's because traditional UI, which is funded by employers has been supplemented with government funds. And as is usually the case, when you receive government handouts, you play by their rules. If they say you don't get UI bennies they funded if you get fired for refusing the jab, then them's the rules.
The way to avoid any of this is to seek private employment.![]()
Beats the heck out me how that happened..?Hey Cochiose .... why do you have me on Black Francis comment
I should probably look in to that.
With my limited skill set, I suspect its going to be tough...Please let me know what you find...
Beats the heck out me how that happened..?
With my limited skill set, I suspect its going to be tough...