And you thought scrapple was bad!

tipsy mcgee

Always thirsty
what do you think your ancestors ate? I've had muskrat and possum and neither one is that bad. I've also eaten snapping turtle, squirrel, regular rabbit and everything else you can hunt around here. I've never tried chitlins, though. Hey, I said I've had it, I didn't say I eat it once or twice a week.


Originally posted by Vince
Stop! Stop! stop! You guys are makin me hungry. :lmao: Truthfully I do love scrapple and tripe.

I like scrapple, but I've never had tripe.

Unfortunately, I've seen tripe in the store, and I would never ever put that in my mouth.

I use, - and I've heard others use - the word "tripe" when someone is shovling me a load of :bs: