Andrew Cuomo will be arrested


Well-Known Member
I'll give him 6 months for this to die down then CNN or MSNBC gives him a show. He will start out as a guest on one to get his feet wet and let the initial anger about him blow over. Maybe CNN does a Cuomo Brothers show.


Well-Known Member
This is a good thing. A lot more is going to come out. This may very well lead to NY nursing home death charges.

It is hard to be patient, procedures take time to work themselves out, persistence is necessary to gain true and proper results. I have held firm to my beliefs and one is that the truth will be exposed and justice will prevail. Not just about this ...everything, election being stolen, etc. You only have to look at what has opened up for all to see.

Stay in your "nothing is going to happen mode." I will remain positive that good things are coming for all of us.


Well-Known Member

Who the hell did he piss off? Usually Democrats skate on this stuff and was only a few months ago that Randy Andy was the darling of the Left - American's Governor.

Eric Swalwell had a lengthy affair with a freaking Chinese spy and....nothing.

Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy driving her around for years and....nothing.

So I'd love to know the real story behind this.
Epstein did not kill himself