Animal Shelters


I'm interested in adopting a kitten and was wondering if there are any animal shelters in the area? Thanks.


New Member
Animal Shelter

Hi. :howdy: I am new to this board but will just jump right in.

The Well Pet Clinic in Lexington Park does adoptions on Saturdays. These are all rescue animals. The cost includes their spay fee etc. The Humane Society of Calvert County is a no kill shelter which also includes spaying fees. It is a great way to support the no kill shelters. :smile:


Re: Animal Shelter

Originally posted by bcg
Hi. :howdy: I am new to this board but will just jump right in.

Welcome to the asylum, please keep your hands and feet in the vehicle at all times and do not feed the natives.

Enjoy your stay.



Dirty Old Man in Training
Oh I can hook you up. How many do you want?

My friends have a barn that is the neighborhood drop off for unwanted kittens. I think the word is out in the cat community around Dameron... any young mother cats who don't want their offspring don't hesitate to come vist.

We have some recently clipped, snipped, spray'd or tutored and ready to go, some that are too young, black ones, white striped ones, poka-dotted (and for an extra $5 you can get custom colored dots, just don't tell PETA).

I also work with a woman that has a cat rescue (oooh, exclusive. Ritzy even!)

I keep trying to get on with Aloah as a distributor, but its not happening... I guess I could work on a book, 101 ways to wok your cat...


Originally posted by Jimbo
Oh I can hook you up. How many do you want?

My friends have a barn that is the neighborhood drop off for unwanted kittens.

Kewl.....can I bring my RWS?? :biggrin:


New Member
Re: Re: Animal Shelter

Originally posted by justhangn
Welcome to the asylum, please keep your hands and feet in the vehicle at all times and do not feed the natives.

Enjoy your stay.





Thanks for the information, everyone. I did end up adopting a little kitten. I was going to look into some of your suggestions, but then when I was driving a home, I noticed a sign that said "Free kittens". So I stopped and picked one up!

All's well that ends well. :)

Now, here's another question:

Any suggestions as to places to board cats for when I'm on travel? Thanks.


Princess of Mean
Why board when you can have a pet sitter? While living in Great Mills, I had to go to FL for 20 days and had a pet sitter (licensed, insured, bonded) watch my cats and it worked out great. No stress on the cats from being displaced, and I didn't have to travel extra to pick them up once I got back. Cost me about 12 a day back then. I have a sitter now (in Norfolk) that takes care of both dogs and cats for 15 a day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Jimbo
I guess I could work on a book, 101 ways to wok your cat...

Hey, Pilot, when we go away we just have a neighbor kid come over and feed/water/scoop. Cats don't really need the attention that dogs do and they typically don't like going visiting. :ohwell:

Dogs are a different story - we could never have boarded ours, he was way too neurotic to be left in a cage with strangers. So we had to leave him with his second-favorite humans when we went anywhere.


Pet Sitters

"Licensed, insured, bonded"? I guess I never knew there was such a thing as a professional pet sitter. Any recommendations or ideas how I could locate one?

Vrail, I agree, having a neighbor or friend look in is the optimal solution. I was thinking for the rare instances when they might not be available--like at Christmas when the area empties out. With my job I sometimes have to travel with very little notice.

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pilot
"Licensed, insured, bonded"? I guess I never knew there was such a thing as a professional pet sitter. Any recommendations or ideas how I could locate one?
Sometimes they post in the classifieds or you could advertise in there for one. No charge since you aren't selling a high-price animal.

You'd want them to be licensed, bonded and insured because they're strangers coming into your house when you're not there. Like the carpet guys or the Molly Maids or something.


New Member
Another "newbie" here, just wanted to give you the name of an excellent pet sitter: Pawfessional Pet Care, Inc. 301-870-4798 - they are fabulous. $10 a day to visit, walk, and feed my puppy.:yay:


Don't forget in our area we have
They are huge into rescuing pets. I volunteer for them and they really care about saving pets. Great group of people.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by pilot
Any suggestions as to places to board cats for when I'm on travel? Thanks.

Hi, Pilot. I don't know about places to board, but I suggest you call D (as in "Dee") at "Pawfessional Pet Care." They're listed. They'll come to your house each day, or more than once a day, to feed, walk, clean up after, brush, medicate, play with, and in general keep company with your cat(s)--and dogs. And fish. And probably birds, turtles, etc.

They're ultra-reliable, reasonable, bonded, insured--and they care about the animals.


Thanks for the info, Bertha. I think I might have seen one of their flyers at a pet store, but didn't know anything about them. Has anyone here actually used them?