Anne Arundel County horse info.


Adopt me please !
Someone a friend knows of is relocating to Anne Arundel County soon. They are asking for leads on good barns/instructors (dressage) and also affordable homes with land, and board rates. They have 2 horses and 1 pony. Not sure how they would afford to board 3 equines. Wouldn't it be cheaper for them to buy a home with land rather than to board?


New Member
Someone a friend knows of is relocating to Anne Arundel County soon. They are asking for leads on good barns/instructors (dressage) and also affordable homes with land, and board rates. They have 2 horses and 1 pony. Not sure how they would afford to board 3 equines. Wouldn't it be cheaper for them to buy a home with land rather than to board?

If I were them I would definitely look for a house with land. Even if the property doesn't have a barn they could eventually build something adequate. I've checked out prices of a lot of barns in AA (most of them off of/around route two) and they were a LOT more expensive then down here. I found prices from $500-900. Even just field board at one place was $350 a horse. They are really nice establishments.. I just don't have that kind of $$$$.

Good luck to them!


Adopt me please !
If I were them I would definitely look for a house with land. Even if the property doesn't have a barn they could eventually build something adequate. I've checked out prices of a lot of barns in AA (most of them off of/around route two) and they were a LOT more expensive then down here. I found prices from $500-900. Even just field board at one place was $350 a horse. They are really nice establishments.. I just don't have that kind of $$$$.

Good luck to them!

thanks - I was afraid of that (high cost to board).