

yeah yeah
SamSpade said:
That might be cute - except some of the circumstances I wouldn't want to repeat. For example, my experience with people I met on the Internet would be, you should go Dutch - something she wasn't crazy about. I had a drink there, and bragged a bit about my ability to hold liquor. It was also the day I lost my job. Furthermore, we went to see the one kind of movie she REALLY doesn't care for - horror movies. Looking back, sometimes I wonder why she gave me a second chance. Think about it; he drinks, has no job, is cheap and likes horror movies. On the plus side, she said I was so NOT down about losing my job, danced with her in the parking lot and carried her food into the theater for her - and put both arms around her, in her seat. She liked all that.

ROTFL!!!!!! I remember all about that first date! ROTFL :lol:


You're all F'in Mad...
vraiblonde said:
Are you female? Cause I've always pictured you as a guy. That might take some getting used to.

The nerve of people to have a misleading OZvatar... :whistle:

Anyone want to guess what I got for my 6th Anniv? (VB already knows the answer.)

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Happy 20th anniversary, Jazz & hubby! :clap: May you share 20 more years together and more. :huggy:
Thanks Chasey and everyone else. I tried to respond earlier, but network issues prevented me from being able to post. I can't believe it's been 20 years we've been married and almost 23 years we've been together.