Another 2 for 1


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Swedish Teen Bleeds to Death After Using RU 486 Abortion Drug

Another teenager has died as a result of taking the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug, this time in Sweden. Just months after California teenager Holly Patterson died following taking the abortion pill, an 18 year-old Swedish girl has bled to death after receiving the drug at a local hospital.

Unlike in the case of Holly Patterson, the Swedish girl was kept at the facility for eight hours for observation to make sure no excessive bleeding occurred. Patterson was given the abortion drug by a Planned Parenthood facility to take at home with no medical supervision.


I'm not sure how many people have used this drug so far, but 2 deaths do not seem that bad. Over 3000 people a year die from complications related to drugs (the legal kind) and medical procedures. If we start getting rid of drugs and medical procedures that result in an occasional unfortunate death, you might want to start investing in leaches, because that will be the only medical treatment you will be able to get.