My grandson's other grandmother is a very nice person, and they're super wealthy. She devotes a good bit of her life to our grandson, taking him on fancy vacations, sending him to expensive camps when he's visiting, flying him to and from one of her homes several times a year, etc. I don't begrudge her this time with him, and I'm kind of jealous but not really. Or maybe it's envious - what's the one where you wish you could do it, but aren't pissed that they're doing it? That one.
I have a good relationship with my grandson, but it's no secret that he likes her better. This doesn't bother me. Hell, *I* like her better. What does bother me is that I feel like she one-ups me.
There's very little I can do with/for him that she hasn't beat me to. She outfits him with clothes several times a year; he expresses a want for something and she sends it to him. At Christmas I ask him what he wants, and when he tells me something I say, "Now, don't tell Nana the same thing!" When he was 6 I gave him a kid's Kindle; she gave him a top of the line iPad. Like that. (And PS, he has a monthly game allowance that she pays for.)
The latest is that we took him to the little dude ranch a few weeks ago and had a blast. So she flew him out to Jackson, WY where they're staying in a big house, he's going to adventure camp every day and indulging his new horse skills. AND she made a video of him talking at length about how amazing it is, put it on her FB, and tagged me to make sure I'd see it.
I don't like feeling like we're in a competition. That's not my way and it's not good for the kid. I just wish she'd have done something with him other than top my dude ranch.
Anyway, I'm just venting. This isn't a problem and there's no solution. As soon as I hit Submit I'll forget about it and move on with my thing. The kid and I are good and that's all that counts.
He does need a new iPad because the one he has now that is rarely out of his hands is about shot. So maybe I should send him some cheapo tablet thingie so she'll send him a new iPad?
I have a good relationship with my grandson, but it's no secret that he likes her better. This doesn't bother me. Hell, *I* like her better. What does bother me is that I feel like she one-ups me.
There's very little I can do with/for him that she hasn't beat me to. She outfits him with clothes several times a year; he expresses a want for something and she sends it to him. At Christmas I ask him what he wants, and when he tells me something I say, "Now, don't tell Nana the same thing!" When he was 6 I gave him a kid's Kindle; she gave him a top of the line iPad. Like that. (And PS, he has a monthly game allowance that she pays for.)
The latest is that we took him to the little dude ranch a few weeks ago and had a blast. So she flew him out to Jackson, WY where they're staying in a big house, he's going to adventure camp every day and indulging his new horse skills. AND she made a video of him talking at length about how amazing it is, put it on her FB, and tagged me to make sure I'd see it.
I don't like feeling like we're in a competition. That's not my way and it's not good for the kid. I just wish she'd have done something with him other than top my dude ranch.
Anyway, I'm just venting. This isn't a problem and there's no solution. As soon as I hit Submit I'll forget about it and move on with my thing. The kid and I are good and that's all that counts.
He does need a new iPad because the one he has now that is rarely out of his hands is about shot. So maybe I should send him some cheapo tablet thingie so she'll send him a new iPad?