Another ... CRE Board meeting cancelled


Active Member
For those that may call...
I saw it posted this afternoon coming home from work...

Don't know why. So far that I know, Out of nine board members,
three will not be able to attend which leaves six in attendance,
then one member leaves the meeting for work taking it down to five....

I believe a quorum still exists???
Maybe my math is off...



New Member
For those that may call...
I saw it posted this afternoon coming home from work...

Don't know why. So far that I know, Out of nine board members,
three will not be able to attend which leaves six in attendance,
then one member leaves the meeting for work taking it down to five....

I believe a quorum still exists???
Maybe my math is off...


This is the 3rd Saturday of the month.... this meeting is required by the by-laws [unless you have a king who can just by-pass the by-laws].... right?:coffee:


New Member
I hate to be a pessimist, but....

Two meetings canceled in a month, none for September? That cannot be legal.

I here new grumblings of a counter suit from the county on the whale litigation. It will cost us if we win.

We have the new lawsuit by the one that cannot be named.

and a Bonus... POACRE is not doing well financially. We are approaching our yearly budget line for whale litigation (it has its own line). (at a previous meeting in July we were told there would be no more money spent until the case gets to trial)

There is a serious problem here. We need to have a meeting and get these facts out to the community. It is unfortunate that it has to be discussed in the dreaded forums but no one is talking.

Apparently It is a big secret that we are litigating ourselves into bankruptcy. Unless we want to use reserve funds for operations someone needs to wake up.

Has the board been silenced by the lawsuits? I thought this new board was going to communicate more with the members.

There was more activity in the forums when you were getting ready to run for the board than there is now that you are on the board.


New Member
Sounds to me that the majority of the board may not have a clue what the President is doing, which may be why meetings have been cancelled. No meetings, the President doesn't have to answer questions or inform the board.

As a past board member, yes the Saturday meetings are in the by-laws. So what if there isn't a quorum, the board can still meet take reports from committees and more importantly listen to the members or answer their questions. They just can't make motions or vote.

As far as the whale litigation, I also know the county filed a counter-claim and are asking for something like $70,000 as restitution for costs of uncovering the whale.

So, President Eney or anyone on the board, where does this put our chances of coming out a head financially? Let's recap, we spent approximately $75,000 in legal cost to date, now possibly may have to pay the county $70,000 and let's not forget the SHUR funding has been pulled. Where's the fiscal responsibility?



New Member
Sounds to me that the majority of the board may not have a clue what the President is doing, which may be why meetings have been cancelled. No meetings, the President doesn't have to answer questions or inform the board.

As a past board member, yes the Saturday meetings are in the by-laws. So what if there isn't a quorum, the board can still meet take reports from committees and more importantly listen to the members or answer their questions. They just can't make motions or vote.

As far as the whale litigation, I also know the county filed a counter-claim and are asking for something like $70,000 as restitution for costs of uncovering the whale.
So, President Eney or anyone on the board, where does this put our chances of coming out a head financially? Let's recap, we spent approximately $75,000 in legal cost to date, now possibly may have to pay the county $70,000 and let's not forget the SHUR funding has been pulled. Where's the fiscal responsibility?


WHY is CRE so dumb? They could have ended this long long ago and gotten some money back. Now they probably won't see any money and may end up paying money. geez!


Active Member
I hate to be a pessimist, but....

Two meetings canceled in a month, none for September? That cannot be legal.

I here new grumblings of a counter suit from the county on the whale litigation. It will cost us if we win.

We have the new lawsuit by the one that cannot be named.

and a Bonus... POACRE is not doing well financially. We are approaching our yearly budget line for whale litigation (it has its own line). (at a previous meeting in July we were told there would be no more money spent until the case gets to trial)

There is a serious problem here. We need to have a meeting and get these facts out to the community. It is unfortunate that it has to be discussed in the dreaded forums but no one is talking.

Apparently It is a big secret that we are litigating ourselves into bankruptcy. Unless we want to use reserve funds for operations someone needs to wake up.

Has the board been silenced by the lawsuits? I thought this new board was going to communicate more with the members.

There was more activity in the forums when you were getting ready to run for the board than there is now that you are on the board.

Sorry but with threats of "silencing", keeping up with homework, family obligations and of course the fact that we have not had any board meetings...
There wasn't anything to update you with.

I received an email earlier this morning that there are five board members that can not make this meeting. I had not checked the account it came in from as it was sent to a secondary email which I don't use that often.

And... in accordance with our governing documents, I would think for recording purposes that we should have continued with the scheduled meeting and dismissed on the "lack of Quorum". Granted a waste of time for those that did show but this would have been the proper procedure to follow.
And then of course, my opinions are just that...



New Member
Sorry but with threats of "silencing", keeping up with homework, family obligations and of course the fact that we have not had any board meetings...
There wasn't anything to update you with.

I received an email earlier this morning that there are five board members that can not make this meeting. I had not checked the account it came in from as it was sent to a secondary email which I don't use that often.

And... in accordance with our governing documents, I would think for recording purposes that we should have continued with the scheduled meeting and dismissed on the "lack of Quorum". Granted a waste of time for those that did show but this would have been the proper procedure to follow.
And then of course, my opinions are just that...


Kinda funny how you changed once elected....

I guess that is politics...


Here's a repeat post. John Eney will litigate the Ranch Club into bankruptcy.


New Member
I figured there were threats of silencing. I guess we could just make our committee reports in the forums. It is not like a large number of residences show up to the meetings anyway.

We have spent well over $75,000 since the whale litigation started. we have spent close to $20,000 since July. This is only one lawsuit. The other major law suit may get just as expensive. I am sure no one needs their road paved, amenities improved or maintained.

What is nice to see is the community really came together by the end of the last fiscal year. We had 90% of the community pay their fees. That is a really good number and I thank all the members in good standing.

If we could only get more members in good standing to engage in the political process inside POACRE, it would be great. There are over 5000 properties and only 348 members voted in the last election. There was legal action taken against more members of the community than actually voted. That is very disturbing!

It is only because most choose not to participate. What would it take to get more members involved?


New Member
There was legal action taken against more members of the community than actually voted. That is very disturbing!....


Since the bylaws were changed to allow POACRE to collect attorney fees more than 1000 legal actions against members have been filed in District Court by the POACRE attorney.


New Member
Ladyhawk, I have reviewed the bylaws and agree with hotcoffee; there is no ambiguity, a meeting has to occur on the third Saturday of the month. As VP you can hold this meeting.

Are you going to call this meeting on Saturday?

It is not relevant if a quorum exists. Members will still be able to have a voice in regards to community affairs. The legal actions are public record. The details may not need to be talked about but the use of community funds does. This is going to start a significant backlash if the board does not act on the bylaws.


New Member
I have been informed the meeting for Saturday has been re-scheduled for Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

That is better than none at all.


New Member
Why Property Owners Don't Come to Meetings

I suspect a lot of property owners are not involved or at the meetings because they do not realize there is reason to be concerned..... because the boards have not been forthright and honest with budget information and other issues in the newsletters. Many property owners still do not reside there either because it is a weekend/vacation home or because they rent or because they only own land. The newsletter was the main source of communication, not meetings.... and it still should be...... but that requires the board to continue publishing the newsletter on a frequent basis and putting the important information in it. Too much information is hidden from property owners -- If they (owners) don't ask, we (board) won't tell. I asked why the frequency of the newsletter was reduced, and was told it was too expensive.... yet there is plenty of money to send CRE's lawyers kids to college, buy new cars, etc..... This lawyer must be someone's buddy.

I figured there were threats of silencing. I guess we could just make our committee reports in the forums. It is not like a large number of residences show up to the meetings anyway.

We have spent well over $75,000 since the whale litigation started. we have spent close to $20,000 since July. This is only one lawsuit. The other major law suit may get just as expensive. I am sure no one needs their road paved, amenities improved or maintained.

What is nice to see is the community really came together by the end of the last fiscal year. We had 90% of the community pay their fees. That is a really good number and I thank all the members in good standing.

If we could only get more members in good standing to engage in the political process inside POACRE, it would be great. There are over 5000 properties and only 348 members voted in the last election. There was legal action taken against more members of the community than actually voted. That is very disturbing!

It is only because most choose not to participate. What would it take to get more members involved?


New Member
Board Meeting

That still does not meet the legal requirements to hold a meeting.... It is supposed to be on Saturdays for a reason -- to ensure member participation if desired....keeping in mind that CRE used to be a weekend recreation place and still is for many property owners who do not live in CRE during the week and could not attend a Tuesday evening meeting.

I have been informed the meeting for Saturday has been re-scheduled for Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

That is better than none at all.


New Member
That still does not meet the legal requirements to hold a meeting.... It is supposed to be on Saturdays for a reason -- to ensure member participation if desired....keeping in mind that CRE used to be a weekend recreation place and still is for many property owners who do not live in CRE during the week and could not attend a Tuesday evening meeting.

I agree with you. What to do about it is another thing.

Very few members speak out at the meetings, if any. The typical attendance is around ten members and most are on other committees. So, Tuesday will probably not be a problem for them.

Items need to be voted on. That cannot happen without a quorum. Is it better to follow the by-laws and hold a meeting on Saturday without any business being conducted or move it to Tuesday and conduct business?

I guess the members can decide by contacting the President and voicing their opinion. I am sure if he received enough feedback from the members he would reconsider a meeting.

I highly doubt anyone is that interested, unfortunately.


New Member
I have been informed the meeting for Saturday has been re-scheduled for Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

That is better than none at all.

Go back to those bylaws.... I believe they state the "3rd Saturday".... not "whatever other day they so choose"...


Active Member
I have been informed the meeting for Saturday has been re-scheduled for Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

That is better than none at all.

This would be correct. The president sent an email out to the board requesting availability for the week.



Active Member
Go back to those bylaws.... I believe they state the "3rd Saturday".... not "whatever other day they so choose"...

Article VI Section 3 Meetings:
Regular meetings are to be held the third Saturday of each month with exception to March, July, October and December which is the reason I said we should have had the meeting regardless. There is still a disconnect in communications within the board.... I am hoping that changes soon, Comparing previous boards I've sat on, I don't feel like I'm on the board until a meeting comes up. It's just really strange.

One meeting I remember, we did not have a quorum. A member suggested the committee reports and discussion so that we didn't feel like we wasted our time in coming. I thought it was a great idea and we continued the meeting. I think we finished up around 9:30 but I do remember it being one of the "best" meetings (We actually had fun!) I've been to.



Active Member
I agree with you. What to do about it is another thing.

Very few members speak out at the meetings, if any. The typical attendance is around ten members and most are on other committees. So, Tuesday will probably not be a problem for them.

Items need to be voted on. That cannot happen without a quorum. Is it better to follow the by-laws and hold a meeting on Saturday without any business being conducted or move it to Tuesday and conduct business?

I guess the members can decide by contacting the President and voicing their opinion. I am sure if he received enough feedback from the members he would reconsider a meeting.

I highly doubt anyone is that interested, unfortunately.

When Items need to be voted on and meetings have been cancelled, there is an option of calling a special meeting. Special meetings are meant to conduct a meeting for one item of business that has time constraints or other issues needing immediate attention. However, in my opinion I would assume you could call a special meeting in this instance due to the lack of other meetings that were not able to be conducted due to lack of quorum or whatever other reason there may be....

I also remember when I could look out in the audience at 15-30 people which offered a lot more to the board, when the members were allowed to speak. I think this may be ONE of the reasons we have such low attendence. I'm not speaking of our current president because I have seen him give members the floor. I welcome most comments from the floor because some of you have ideas that board members hadn't thought of but really should consider..
From time to time, I have seen a member make a suggestion, and the board move in that direction.



New Member
I agree with you. What to do about it is another thing.

Very few members speak out at the meetings, if any. The typical attendance is around ten members and most are on other committees. So, Tuesday will probably not be a problem for them.

Items need to be voted on. That cannot happen without a quorum. Is it better to follow the by-laws and hold a meeting on Saturday without any business being conducted or move it to Tuesday and conduct business?

I guess the members can decide by contacting the President and voicing their opinion. I am sure if he received enough feedback from the members he would reconsider a meeting.
I highly doubt anyone is that interested, unfortunately.

Its damn near impossible to get a hold of anyone and get a real answer or any answer at all. Deborah Huddleston hides in her office and selects who she wants to see on a daily basis based on their needs rather than seeing everyone.