Another Drive By

Novus Collectus

New Member
oh please I have been lurking this board for over a year. The racism on here is disgusting especially as a resident living in Southern Maryland.
Everything is black this black that.waldorf is the hood...etc..u obviously haven't been to real hood. Just because more blacks are moving to an area doesn't make it the hood. The area is getting more people of all colors. With more people always comes more crime, has nothing to do with color.
I guess I can find the supporters of burning down the development in Indian Head on here as well.

This woman in the background probably didn't think she was racist either.

Through a Lens, Darkly: Politics & Power:


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i lived in waldorf back in the late eighties,then moved to virginia beach, i go visit a few friends now and then, when we decided to move back to maryland we didnt want to go to charles county or pg. i do have to say for the most part they have both been run down, its turned dirty and almost every one i know still living tin either dont like to go out after dark, sounds like a hood thing to me and it doesnt have to be black or white. geeesh this post made you come from the lurking stage and nothing else did arent we lucky. ok im going to put my hand over my mouth and go sit back in my corner!!!:whistle: