Power with Control
Driver was 24 but he will probably claim the same thing.
As far as seeing the bike, isn't it a law (and pretty much universal) that when a bike is powered on, the headlamp is lit?
and it was a relatively new bike so I'm going to see it was probably a bright light.
I will give odds that the truck on the other hand did not have lights on, so if lighting and weather were a factor, it would have been the guy on the bike who had trouble seeing the numb skull make the left.
Yes, all lights are lit when the bikes ignition switch is ON. Any rider will tell you that doesn't matter. People simply dont see. Differing reasons, but at the end of it, you are a rider simply have to know that every single driver WILL be turning across you, EVERY time. Relying on them not to, even when you have the ROW, is how they get you. Weather was fine, was 0530, so not too dark. Young guy looking but not seeing, older gent not ready for the young guy to turn in front of him. I've actually slowed down approaching that point quite a few times because of a possible left turner.