Another Green Disaster: Amazon Took Solar Rooftops Offline Following Major Fires, Electrical Explosions


Beloved Misanthrope
A new report from CNBC reveals that Amazon powered down all of its solar rooftops in the U.S. last year following a series of major fires at facilities throughout the country.

CNBC reports that over a year, at least six Amazon fulfillment centers caught fire or experienced electrical explosions due to failures with their solar energy rooftop systems. Internal documents obtained by CNBC reveal that between April 2020 and June 2021 Amazon experienced “critical fire or arc flash events” in at least six of its 47 North American sites with solar installations.

In the internal reports, an Amazon employee wrote: “The rate of dangerous incidents is unacceptable, and above industry averages.” In June of last year, Amazon took all of its U.S. solar facilities offline temporarily to ensure its systems were designed and installed properly for continuing their use any further.
