Another Newbie

TWLs wife

New Member
Hello all. I just wanted to stop in and say hi to everybody. I have lived in St Marys my whole life and I cant believe that it has taken me this long to stumble into this forum. I think it is purdy cool how a whole county can get togther an a forum and BS about stuff. I look forward to getting to know you guys more and hopefully i'll talk to ya soon.

Sorry alittle late.
:howdy:Hi and Welcome to the forum.


New Member
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I have already met a few really nice people in here as well as a few nut jobs. Its all good.


Happy Camper
Belvak. Stop ASSUMING and making an ASS of YOU and ME. I am just bieng nosy. I am happily married. I might have a match for him.

Reply w/ Quote is your friend.

Also, I do believe that Belvak was just joking. If not, then I will assume that they meant no harm. Reach around and grab that stick out of your ass.

I KNOW he was joking. otherwise i would not be teaching Belvak Punjabi, urdu and hindi.

Yet, you pulled the ASS out of YOU and ME crap.

"THEY" knew the context it is being used in. thats all that matters.

Sounds exciting, what are you charging him? :bubble:

:lmao: Just checking back in with this thread! I was just joking about the Forumance thing, and appreciate Punjabigyrl giving me the language lesson! BTW, I'm a She!!! Oh, and I'm happily married too! 26 years in July!! :buddies:


New Member
Another newbie here.... I'm a forums stalker, I seriously read everyday and crack up, decided I need to get in on some of this fun...