Larry Gude
Strung Out
There is no end to... fascination at how people are afraid of objects, not people and how intellectual inconsistency is some kind of virtue.
This man is PEACEFULLY exercising civil disobedience precisely so he can get his views INTO a court of law. He is making a stand. Making a point. How American. How 'hip'. If the ACLU was, well, what they claim to be, shouldn't he be their new poster child of the week?
Folks will be lighting up cigarettes all over Montgomery County in the coming months so they to can challenge rules they feel are clearly wrong. Will some of us lose our minds as they spew their deadly toxin in protest? Their second hand smoke? (which, BTW, was the basis of the law, that people shouldn't be FORCED to work in such dangerous conditions).
I wonder if we should ever get around to the reasons people make a choice to carry a weapon and deal with what they are concerned about instead of fear of their taking responsibility for their own safety? People like this guy, Shawn Penn, Rosie...
Also, what if we got around to the reasons we can say absurd things like ‘a person is FORCED to work in a bar’? What next? A law banning drinking so alcoholics won't suffer from work conditions? Bans on nightclub dancing so white guys who work there don't have to feel like they are motor skills challenged? fascination at how people are afraid of objects, not people and how intellectual inconsistency is some kind of virtue.
This man is PEACEFULLY exercising civil disobedience precisely so he can get his views INTO a court of law. He is making a stand. Making a point. How American. How 'hip'. If the ACLU was, well, what they claim to be, shouldn't he be their new poster child of the week?
Folks will be lighting up cigarettes all over Montgomery County in the coming months so they to can challenge rules they feel are clearly wrong. Will some of us lose our minds as they spew their deadly toxin in protest? Their second hand smoke? (which, BTW, was the basis of the law, that people shouldn't be FORCED to work in such dangerous conditions).
I wonder if we should ever get around to the reasons people make a choice to carry a weapon and deal with what they are concerned about instead of fear of their taking responsibility for their own safety? People like this guy, Shawn Penn, Rosie...
Also, what if we got around to the reasons we can say absurd things like ‘a person is FORCED to work in a bar’? What next? A law banning drinking so alcoholics won't suffer from work conditions? Bans on nightclub dancing so white guys who work there don't have to feel like they are motor skills challenged?