Another one down...



you know what, I am not going to let you get to me. It is men like you that make women worry about their weight... and get eating disorders.

First of all, I am not 5'2'', I am 5'7'' and I am not going to display my weight for all to see. and if I want to eat some ice cream, I will eat the d*** ice cream but not because some jackass is making me feel bad about myself. I dont know what made you decide to pick on me, but get over it.

Just ignore him.:buddies:


Harley Rider
you know what, I am not going to let you get to me. It is men like you that make women worry about their weight... and get eating disorders.

First of all, I am not 5'2'', I am 5'7'' and I am not going to display my weight for all to see. and if I want to eat some ice cream, I will eat the d*** ice cream but not because some jackass is making me feel bad about myself. I dont know what made you decide to pick on me, but get over it.
When you signed up for So Md forums, NOWHERE did it say that you have to dialgoue with or defend yourself from an MPD. Ignore it WR and have fun. Who cares what you look like anyhow? I can see how you let guys get to you. They'll use it to hurt you IF you let them...FWIW to you.
P.S. Make your OC trip around August 15th. I'll be there for a week of jetskiing and body surfing, etc...
Just ignore him.:buddies:


When you signed up for So Md forums, NOWHERE did it say that you have to dialgoue with or defend yourself from an MPD. Ignore it WR and have fun. Who cares what you look like anyhow? I can see how you let guys get to you. They'll use it to hurt you IF you let them...FWIW to you.
P.S. Make your OC trip around August 15th. I'll be there for a week of jetskiing and body surfing, etc...

:huggy: Thanks yall. I think we are just going to a local beach this weekend. You in?


They're out to get us
so now I am replaceable?! :bawl:
nooo not at all :love:

I think we should all plan a trip to the beach.... Make it a forumite beach party. :really:

:eyebrow:BobbyRay... you are so not invited... I dont like you.
beach trip! :getdown:

exactly! thank you.

I get "you know, you are really a really cold person" all of the time. I say screw the people that make those comments, because they seem to be the ones with another motive....
you're not cold. you are such a softy after you get through the initially tough exterior! can i get in your pants now? :banana:

:huggy: Thanks yall. I think we are just going to a local beach this weekend. You in?
Alot of us are doing a campout this weekend locally. If you wanna join in the campout or just come hang with us for awhile, PM me!


New Member
nooo not at all :love:

beach trip! :getdown:

you're not cold. you are such a softy after you get through the initially tough exterior! can i get in your pants now? :banana:

Alot of us are doing a campout this weekend locally. If you wanna join in the campout or just come hang with us for awhile, PM me!

Where are you camping? I didnt even know there were camping places around here. :confused:


She's so hot she's got straight chicks "sweatin" her :pete:


With a name like BobbyRay you have got to be toothless and have a mullet!
whats wrong with that? :hot: lol

:coffee: She is probably really a dude then....

only when she uses the strap-on on me

Beach Party??? :cartwheel


yay beach party!


:huggy: Thanks yall. I think we are just going to a local beach this weekend. You in?

no, you are coming to the camp out with us, right?