Another outrageous move by Democrats


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
These Democrats are unbelievable. Got this in an email from asking people to contact their Senators and Congressman.
Today, liberals in Congress have taken the unbelievable step of
formally challenging President Bush’s electoral college victory
last November.

This action -- initiated in the Senate by Barbara Boxer -- is an
outrage and an affront to the American people. Sen. Boxer and
Rep. Stephanie Jones actually halted the certification of
President Bush's win.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
These Democrats are unbelievable. Got this in an email from asking people to contact their Senators and Congressman.
You should get a load of her crocodile tears on the Drudge home page.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Keep it up, Democrats! Fight fight fight! Americans just say they don't like your combative tone and sore loser childishness - they don't really mean it. :yay:

Barbara Boxer is a psychotic. You have to wonder about the people who elected her to public office.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Keep it up, Democrats! Fight fight fight! Americans just say they don't like your combative tone and sore loser childishness - they don't really mean it. :yay:

Barbara Boxer is a psychotic. You have to wonder about the people who elected her to public office.
Kalifornians you know.

Yes, I meant to spell Californians with a K.


vraiblonde said:
Keep it up, Democrats! Fight fight fight! Americans just say they don't like your combative tone and sore loser childishness - they don't really mean it. :yay:

Barbara Boxer is a psychotic. You have to wonder about the people who elected her to public office.
Barney Frank
Ted Kennedy
Charles Rangel
Maxine Waters
John Conyers

All psychotic hacks
rraley said:
They elected Arnie too...have to question their sanity sometimes.
What better option did they have? Grayout Davis?

So far he has done a good job for them from what I have read in the mainstream media.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
huntr1 said:
What better option did they have? Grayout Davis?

So far he has done a good job for them from what I have read in the mainstream media.
Except banning the 50 BMG rifles simply because of the caliber. No domestic killing has ever been done with a 50 BMG rifle and only one crime has ever been committed in the U.S. with one and it was not fired in that crime. A rifle that is typically 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet long and weighs between 28 and 40 pounds is not something you hold up a 7-11 with. The opponents say it can be used by terrorists to shoot down airplanes. Maybe, but shoulder fired surface to air missiles are cheaper and more effective. Another case of law abiding gun owners being punished by a knee jerk reaction of liberals that infringe on a right that "shall not be infringed".


Active Member
I object!

Even I thought the objection was stupid. Everyone knows that there are problems with voting in this country (boo-hoo) although I didn't have any. I mean, there comes a time when even a dem like me says Give it a rest! :dance: