Another Song From The Soul.......(Evil Dreams)



fttrsbeerwench said:
My two year old son just leapt from the couch to run over to me and say,"Mommy,wass sat song?" From a dead sleep.!!.....He liked it alot, headbang and the little "devil sign".. TOO CUTE!!

I liked the song too.....ROCK ON!!
sounds like you need to put a guitar in his hands:lol:


New Member
HollowSoul said:
sounds like you need to put a guitar in his hands:lol:
My ex happens to be a guitar player, who has bought him not only a tiny little guitar, but also a drumset and a keyboard. My little future headbanger is so cute!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hs... that all the GNX4?

Got mine today. My fingers are BLEEDING. This is gonna be fun! The bass emulator (22?) is so cool and the drum loops were better than I epxected.