

Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Flo
I heard planting "mint" was good to keep fleas away. Is this true? Don't like to use poisons in my yard, because of the cat and dogs. Have thought about planting some in the gardens around my home.

I don't know if mint repels anything, but it'll sometimes attracts cats. Catnip is in the mint family. I knew someone whose herb garden was destroyed by the cat rolling in it.

The cats have to fairly close to it though, it won't attract them from miles away or anything, but if the cat comes into your yard, it'll keep coming back.


Originally posted by cmcdanal
I don't know if mint repels anything, but it'll sometimes attracts cats. Catnip is in the mint family. I knew someone whose herb garden was destroyed by the cat rolling in it.

The cats have to fairly close to it though, it won't attract them from miles away or anything, but if the cat comes into your yard, it'll keep coming back.

:biggrin: Thanks for letting me know that. I love my cat, so I don't think the "mint" will work for me! :smile:


Active Member
One time we got ants and my grandma went NUTS! They wrecked her blueberry treats and apple schisms. She got an exterminator and he filled the house full of chemicals and shot off some smoke bombs. It killed everything in the house. Nothing bad happened except my grandma got a huge blister on her neck. She popped it with a needle and it never came back after the second time. The exterminator said it was because she had an open wound there to start with. That was six years ago and now everything that comes in the house still dies.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ant Jihad

Okay, here's what seems to be working:

I bought some borax and mixed 2 tsp. of it with 1/3 cup of sugar, then dissolved that mess in a cup of hot water. Then I emptied some small babyfood jars, punched holes in the caps, and filled them with two cotton balls and enough borax/sugar solution to completely saturate.

Then I placed the jars in the areas the ants hang out. They get in just fine and the cats can't accidently get to it. The idea is that the ants are attracted to the sugar and they collect it to take back to their lair, bringing the borax with it and wiping out the entire mess of them.

So far, so good - I've seen very few ants the last couple of days. :yay:


Active Member
Please disregard some stuff in my last message. It was NOT ants but it was hornets and it was NOT in the house but in the garage and it was NOT apple schisms but mushmelon popovers. Everything else was the same and everything still dies, even ants, so it should work for ants. I asked my grandma what kind of chemicals they used but she didn't know. My dad said it was di-etheylmethaline, but I think he was kidding. Anyways, sorry about the mistake with the hornets.


New Member
Originally posted by Blondie76
Has anyone had any problems w/ flying ants?

You fell asleep watching "Wizard of Oz" again, didn't you. :nono:


I think flying ants are about the only damn bug that I haven't seen at my house yet. GEEZ there's alot of 'em down here!


New Member
Originally posted by Ponytail
You fell asleep watching "Wizard of Oz" again, didn't you. :nono:


I think flying ants are about the only damn bug that I haven't seen at my house yet. GEEZ there's alot of 'em down here!


Those were flying monkeys....right? :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by Blondie76

Those were flying monkeys....right? :rolleyes:

Yes, THOSE are monkeys.

BAD monkey. Monkey need a spanking? Who's your witch NOW Monkey! BAD monkey!!

:confused: no clue where that came from. I need sleep. Sleep:good. Tiki:bad.


aka Mrs. Giant
:lmao: You saw the spank the monkey video too. And you didn't officialy go to tiki. Thank you for saving me again thu. Did you know I have a date with the yacht guy?! :confused:


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by kwillia
Policemen, firemen, elevator men, yacht men.... you are going to hit 53% of the male population in no time at the rate you are going...:banana:
Nope as of Sunday night, no more police man - I struck him off my list - too much work - and probably why I have a date with yacht man (much much older man)
Fireman tried to make me jealous on Saturday so he has been regulated to the back burner
But otherwise there are still plenty of men to meet



yeah yeah
Ok! The same problem Vrai is having with her ants... I am not having with gnats aka fruit flies! UGH! they are utterly annoying! I can not stand it.

Any help for those?


Active Member
My uncle has goldfish and he don't use no chemicals so he says to urinate in a plastic bag (like a grocery bag) and hang it from the ceiling. Then take scissors or a knife and cut a small piece of the corner of the bag. Then put an aluminum pie plate on the floor and let it drip in the pie plate. My uncle says the sound drives all bugs crazy including roaches and mice.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by RodRugg
My uncle has goldfish and he don't use no chemicals so he says to urinate in a plastic bag (like a grocery bag) and hang it from the ceiling. Then take scissors or a knife and cut a small piece of the corner of the bag. Then put an aluminum pie plate on the floor and let it drip in the pie plate. My uncle says the sound drives all bugs crazy including roaches and mice.

:notworthy :notworthy


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by RodRugg
My uncle has goldfish and he don't use no chemicals so he says to urinate in a plastic bag (like a grocery bag) and hang it from the ceiling. Then take scissors or a knife and cut a small piece of the corner of the bag. Then put an aluminum pie plate on the floor and let it drip in the pie plate. My uncle says the sound drives all bugs crazy including roaches and mice.

It's very wise of your uncle not to waste fresh water on his device.