any home cold treatments?


Well-Known Member
I only feel poopie once every couple of years and Friday was the day. Robitussin DM Friday night and last night and now no more poopie.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
onebdzee said:
You're supposed to be sick to drink those? :whistle:
If it makes you feel better when you're sick, just imagine how it will make you feel when you're not! :banana: :larry:


New Member
A humidifier at night with some vicks vapor steam liquid in it. This is what I always use when someone has a stuffy head and cold/flu symptoms.


In My Opinion
Cold is almost gone but now some real problems are coming about.

woke up this morning, the kid was coughing,, guess she got it from me.
then I walked into the kitchen to get some coffee, and my wife was in there, coughing, holding her favorite beating pan and looking at me with these glazed over insane eyes.

Highs has pretty good coffee, and its great that the will serve you while you are still in your jammies and bare feet.


I am late in this but..

garlic is a natural antibiotic!!!

if your throat is sore go for beef broth with generous garlic- powdered is fine but natural cloves are better - dont do the minced garlic in a jar... *side note:people dont always know this but the mold that is specific to garlic is WHITE so if you eat out of a jar of minced garlic that is more than 2 weeks old you will likley to be eating moldy garlic.*

also - grab 2 limes cut in half and then cross cut them, put the whole limes (skin, seeds and all) into a pot of water and boil- drink the tea with honey or sugar- will help you recover quick- the more consentrated the boiled "limeade" the better- the "smoke" inthe peels is a natural decongestant. :huggy:


In My Opinion
Aura said:
I am late in this but..

garlic is a natural antibiotic!!!

if your throat is sore go for beef broth with generous garlic- powdered is fine but natural cloves are better -

Do you have something against me ever getting laid again????