any "sisters" in here?


New Member
What conditioner are you using? This head of mine is worse than a steel wool pad. Nothing is helping, and I'm not ready to get in cut. Not for the winter, anyway.


I am so very blessed
I have five sisters, and I use Humectress for my conditioner. I can ask my sisters what kind of conditioner they use if you want.
I have five sisters, and I use Humectress for my conditioner. I can ask my sisters what kind of conditioner they use if you want.
Hmmm, I always assumed you used bacon grease cause you always smell of bacon... must be your bacon pants...:drool:


New Member
I had me a weave 2 years ago. Looked real good, too. The BF wants me to be natural. Go figure.
Well I guess brillo pads are natural, huh?

Sometimes Natural is just stunning. IS there any salons that specialize in black hair? You might want to go there with your question.

Mike here will give advice, but he can't even grow a hair on his tiny balls :nono:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Uuummmm. The questions should say :When are WE (meaning me, too!) going to dinner?

I was including you, especially now that I know you wear those awesome bacon pants, but apparently...
Never. As of today I've officially learned that this is really just the internet and nobody is real after all. does not include kwillia because she's not real. :bawl:


New Member
Sometimes Natural is just stunning. IS there any salons that specialize in black hair? You might want to go there with your question.

Mike here will give advice, but he can't even grow a hair on his tiny balls :nono:

Tiny balls! :killingme

too bad for you Mike.

I'm going to Sallys after lunch thanks everyone. :yay: