itsbob said:
Or where did he get the wheelchair??
I'm too cynical, but the first thing I'd think was the guy was a scammer, just taking it to another level using the wheelchair instead of a broke down car. Or need gas money to get home....
Sometimes I'm the same way, thinking people like that might be trying to scam me because there are SO many out there that will pose as a homeless, handicapped, etc., to get money for booze, drugs, whatever.
It's really sad, because that man could very well have possibly lived at the nursing home, and didn't have enough cash on him to take the bus home.
But, as many times as I've been up at McKays, I've never seen a man with that description there. Hopefully he's not homeless, just was a little short on cash. I just home when I'm an old woman, if I'm short on cash and need to take the bus home, some nice person will help me out