anybody seen this man?


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I was at McKay's yesterday with hubby when an old man in a wheelchair came rolling up asking us for money to get on the bus. He was such a sweet and gentle man and so polite. Anybody seen him around before or know his story? I can't get him off of my mind and was wondering if he was actually homeless or not. :twitch:


I bowl overhand
jenbengen said:
I was at McKay's yesterday with hubby when an old man in a wheelchair came rolling up asking us for money to get on the bus. He was such a sweet and gentle man and so polite. Anybody seen him around before or know his story? I can't get him off of my mind and was wondering if he was actually homeless or not. :twitch:
Or where did he get the wheelchair??

I'm too cynical, but the first thing I'd think was the guy was a scammer, just taking it to another level using the wheelchair instead of a broke down car. Or need gas money to get home....


New Member
itsbob said:
Or where did he get the wheelchair??

I'm too cynical, but the first thing I'd think was the guy was a scammer, just taking it to another level using the wheelchair instead of a broke down car. Or need gas money to get home....

Sometimes I'm the same way, thinking people like that might be trying to scam me because there are SO many out there that will pose as a homeless, handicapped, etc., to get money for booze, drugs, whatever.

It's really sad, because that man could very well have possibly lived at the nursing home, and didn't have enough cash on him to take the bus home.

But, as many times as I've been up at McKays, I've never seen a man with that description there. Hopefully he's not homeless, just was a little short on cash. I just home when I'm an old woman, if I'm short on cash and need to take the bus home, some nice person will help me out :howdy:


Baby blues
jenbengen said:
I was at McKay's yesterday with hubby when an old man in a wheelchair came rolling up asking us for money to get on the bus. He was such a sweet and gentle man and so polite. Anybody seen him around before or know his story? I can't get him off of my mind and was wondering if he was actually homeless or not. :twitch:
Was this in Leonardtown? Was it a motorized wheelchair? I've seen a guy motoring around Leonardtown in a motorized wheelchair for years. I don't know what his story is.
Tinkerbell said:
Was this in Leonardtown? Was it a motorized wheelchair? I've seen a guy motoring around Leonardtown in a motorized wheelchair for years. I don't know what his story is.

If his chair was motorized, couldnt he just drive it home? :whistle:


Well-Known Member
jenbengen said:
I was at McKay's yesterday with hubby when an old man in a wheelchair came rolling up asking us for money to get on the bus. He was such a sweet and gentle man and so polite. Anybody seen him around before or know his story? I can't get him off of my mind and was wondering if he was actually homeless or not. :twitch:

He is probably just some clown tryign to scrape up a few extra bucks to pay for his next vacation.


Watch it
Tinkerbell said:
Was this in Leonardtown? Was it a motorized wheelchair? I've seen a guy motoring around Leonardtown in a motorized wheelchair for years. I don't know what his story is.

It was at the McKay's in Great Mills. I am usually skeptical as well, but he was in a regular wheelchair (not motorized) and was so old and sweet. My husband told me to toughen up. LOL.


New Member
I see a guy quite often riding around on a motorized wheelchair. he usually has a Mountain dew with him. Dont know his story but i always wondered to...


Well-Known Member
I thought that people on disablity got vouchers for STS. I may be wrong but a friend of mine was diabled and I knew that he got vouchers from DSS. :shrug:


I am so very blessed
jenbengen said:
It was at the McKay's in Great Mills. I am usually skeptical as well, but he was in a regular wheelchair (not motorized) and was so old and sweet. My husband told me to toughen up. LOL.

Con men are never mean and condescending.. They're the nicest people you'll ever meet.


Watch it
BadGirl said:
Con men are never mean and condescending.. They're the nicest people you'll ever meet.

But he was so old and sweet. :bawl: I hate the idea of being conned by such a cute little old man. :lmao: And if he is a con man, SHAME ON HIM. :buttkick:


All Up In Your Grill
pingrr said:
He is probably just some clown tryign to scrape up a few extra bucks to pay for his next vacation.

Sad day in St. Mary's County. Nomo's working the Walmart side in her shopping cart. And she's got C-Murda hittin up the South side in a wheelchair. :shakingheadinshame:


Salt Life
jenbengen said:
I was at McKay's yesterday with hubby when an old man in a wheelchair came rolling up asking us for money to get on the bus. He was such a sweet and gentle man and so polite. Anybody seen him around before or know his story? I can't get him off of my mind and was wondering if he was actually homeless or not. :twitch:
I was there at that time! I didn't want to drive to Lowe's, so hubby and I stopped in to get contact solution, painters tape and a Mt. Dew. :lol:


Blah.. Blah...Blah
I believe he lives in the apartments behind McKays. I believe they are called Park Villa's. I've seen him before rolling down the sidewalk from there before.


mamissa3 said:
I see a guy quite often riding around on a motorized wheelchair. he usually has a Mountain dew with him. Dont know his story but i always wondered to...
He lives at Bayside Nursing home and he does not beg for money. Jimmy is about 50 and was injured in a car wreck about 25 years ago.
Not sure who the old man is, I was McKay's around 10am on Sunday in Great Mills, didn't see him.


Well-Known Member
Great Mills McKay's

About three weeks ago, he was in his wheelchair where everyone was puttting carts away. He didn't seem to want anything. People were offering him water, etc. It was a Sunday morning, and people were stopping in from Church. Everyone seemed to know him.


Baby blues
rallwine2000 said:
He lives at Bayside Nursing home and he does not beg for money. Jimmy is about 50 and was injured in a car wreck about 25 years ago.
Not sure who the old man is, I was McKay's around 10am on Sunday in Great Mills, didn't see him.
This is the guy I see in Leonardtown. I've never seen him begging, he just always has bags from the grocery store and he makes his way down the sidewalk.