anybody seen this man?


nachomama said:
Sad day in St. Mary's County. Nomo's working the Walmart side in her shopping cart. And she's got C-Murda hittin up the South side in a wheelchair. :shakingheadinshame:
I wouldn't get all worked up over it. You did what was in the kindness of your heart. Scammer or not, no one can take that away from you.


This was meant for jenbenjen. Sorry!.


Well-Known Member
PsyOps said:
I wouldn't get all worked up over it. You did what was in the kindness of your heart. Scammer or not, no one can take that away from you.


This was meant for jenbenjen. Sorry!.
A kinder-gentler PsyOps? I LIKE it! :huggy:


Just gettin by
You never know if they are scamming or not. That will be on their conscience, if they have one. Just know that you did the right thing.


Watch it
PsyOps said:
I wouldn't get all worked up over it. You did what was in the kindness of your heart. Scammer or not, no one can take that away from you.


This was meant for jenbenjen. Sorry!.

Awwww, thanks. :huggy: I think my "I can save the world" alter-ego kicked in and I wanted to find him some help. :lmao: I have a sensitive heart to that kind of stuff.


Soul Probe
rallwine2000 said:
He lives at Bayside Nursing home and he does not beg for money. Jimmy is about 50 and was injured in a car wreck about 25 years ago.
Not sure who the old man is, I was McKay's around 10am on Sunday in Great Mills, didn't see him.

Jimmy is a family member. He most definitely does not beg for $.


New Member
On another note, I was in McKay's (GMR) on Sunday. Some little kid (maybe age 9 or 10) asked me for 79c. I gave him my last dollar, and little p()nk didn't even say thank you. I wouldn't have given him a dollar if he had candy in his hands rather than the peroxide he was carrying.


sockgirl77 said:
I thought that people on disablity got vouchers for STS. I may be wrong but a friend of mine was diabled and I knew that he got vouchers from DSS. :shrug:

Not true socki we all pay just like you pay to take the bus nothing is free to the people with disabilities at all. Still $6.00 round trip or something like that can't be exact as I bought the tickets so I don't have to pay cash each time I use the bus.


Well-Known Member
Stopped for him once crossing Great Mills in his wheel chair, just above the light at Mckays. This was during rush hour and his crossing was a bit scary. Especially given the fact that he was using his feet to pull him across the road vice his hands on the wheels....
Airgasm said:
Stopped for him once crossing Great Mills in his wheel chair, just above the light at Mckays. This was during rush hour and his crossing was a bit scary. Especially given the fact that he was using his feet to pull him across the road vice his hands on the wheels....

He was pulling himself across the raod using his feet and legs while sitting in a wheelchair... I dont think I could do that and I walk just fine. Doesnt sound like he NEEDS a wheelchair... If it looks like a duck... :evil:


Well-Known Member
toogie said:
He was pulling himself across the raod using his feet and legs while sitting in a wheelchair... I dont think I could do that and I walk just fine. Doesnt sound like he NEEDS a wheelchair... If it looks like a duck... :evil:

That was the scary part, he wasn't moving very well at all (baby steps). I assumed he was using his feet because of limited strength in his arms?
Airgasm said:
That was the scary part, he wasn't moving very well at all (baby steps). I assumed he was using his feet because of limited strength in his arms?

Perhaps he should call "The Scooter Store"