TiVo vs. DirecTiVo
The one thing I don't think I've seen discussed is the difference between the standalone (SA) TiVo and the DirecTiVo. The SA Tivo requires the tuning source to be external to the unit, whereas the DirecTiVo has the tuner built in, and in fact, has 2 tuners built in. What this means to you is that, if you're a DirecTV subscriber, you can record 2 channels at one time, which resolves many scheduling conflicts (i.e. 2 shows on at 8pm that you want to watch). In fact, you can record 2 shows and watch something you previously recorded, all at the same time. Dual recording is not available on the SA's, as the tuner is external, and the unit can only accept one input at a time.
From a cost perspective, they're about the same, around $99 ea. for a 35 hour unit. For the SA, service is $12.95/mo. for the first unit, and $6.95/mo. for each additional. You can also purchase a lifetime subscription (lifetime of the unit, not you), for $299. For DirecTV, the TiVo service costs $4.99 regardless of how many units you have, but each additional tuner (each box is considered a tuner for this exercise) costs $4.99/mo. to subscribe to DirecTV.
And to answer the initial question, I have 4 DirecTivo series 2 units now, all networked together, sharing programming between floors and hacked to the hilt. Absolutely awesome units. When I bought my first one, I was leary, wasn't sure how much I'd use it. Within 30 days I bought my second one because I couldn't stand not having my rewind/fast forward buttons on the other TV. Now my wife has siezed control of one, and myself of another. Tivo is one of those things that's hard to describe, but after showing it to folks, I've sold another 30 of them (too bad I can't get any kind of commission
Danzig: You said, "if you have direct tv wait till the first of the year to get it. The new ones will be out then", can you provide a more specific link to new units? What are the new features besides larger HDs? I haven't ready anything about them.
-= Nutz =-