Anyone have relatives on the West Coast?



There's an Amber Alert out for one of my Facebook friends. It's for her 15 year old son. He was last seen "by" not "with" his father. Missing since June 2, 2010...15 year old boy, Billings, MT. I've asked all my Facebook friends to post this link and his picture. His mother has a debilitating neurological disorder and is ill so she's doing what she can via face book, phone calls, police calls, etc... She's beside herself and very disdraught.

Here's a link to his Find Austin Appleberry page. Please repost as your status or pray for him or pass on if you have relatives out west. Thank you for your time to read this and try to help and prayers!! :huggy:

Help Find Austin Appleberry | Facebook


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Was checking out the FB page to repost to friends when I saw this:

On behalf of Brooke Charlton and their entire family, We extend our gratitude and thanks for all the helped in the search for Austin Appleberry. WE ALSO WANT TO REPORT THAT AUSTIN IS NO LONGER MISSING! AGAIN THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR PRAYERS, SUPPORT AND MOST OF ALL YOUR LOVE. AUSTIN APPLEBERRY FOUND!!!! THANK GOD!!!

Very thankful he was found. As a mom, I can't even imagine what going through that was like.