Anyone know about Pakistani weddings?

Next month I'm going to a wedding for an ex coworker who is from Pakistan. Her marriage has been 'arranged' by both sets of parents. She said in the views of Allah, they are already married, but they're having a ceremony at a hotel in Laurel.

I have no clue if we're expected to give a gift (what is their custom?). If so, are they like the Indian culture and expect money instead of a household item? Anybody know???


I wanna be a SMIB
Speedy70 said:
Next month I'm going to a wedding for an ex coworker who is from Pakistan. Her marriage has been 'arranged' by both sets of parents. She said in the views of Allah, they are already married, but they're having a ceremony at a hotel in Laurel.

I have no clue if we're expected to give a gift (what is their custom?). If so, are they like the Indian culture and expect money instead of a household item? Anybody know???

Give them a chicken or a cow.


Active Member
In a pakistani wedding, usually it is people give money so that the couple can furnish thier house etc. However, look at what the card says. Does it mention where she has her registry for gifts. Here in the US some people have adopted the american systen of registry. No on is going to take offense if you bring a gift. Plan to have a BIG appetite and dance. IF you have seen Bride and prejudice you know exactly what I'm talking about. On the other hand, if they are religious then it would be a very(in my opinion Boring) eat, meet and leave. I hate those kinds. Let me know if you have any other questions.
punjabigyrl said:
In a pakistani wedding, usually it is people give money so that the couple can furnish thier house etc. However, look at what the card says. Does it mention where she has her registry for gifts. Here in the US some people have adopted the american systen of registry. No on is going to take offense if you bring a gift. Plan to have a BIG appetite and dance. IF you have seen Bride and prejudice you know exactly what I'm talking about. On the other hand, if they are religious then it would be a very(in my opinion Boring) eat, meet and leave. I hate those kinds. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Their invitation doesn't mention a registry. We'll probably just give money then.

She's already told me that the food will be spicy! I will take my Tums with me! :lol:

Thanks for the info!


Active Member
I want to go. Dress up in the traditional outfits, awesome jewelry, get your hair did etc. I haven't dressed up in 2 months. Spicy doesn't mean it will hot. It might be mild. Make sure you eat the yogurt relish. That will tone down the spices in the food.
Well that wedding sure was educational - and VERY long! The funny thing was though, that I didn't know men had to sit in one room and women in the other. I walked into the ladies side with my hubby and they immediately escorted him into another room without an explanation. The look on my face must have been priceless!

My husband said that as soon as he got over there, one of the men sat with him for about 40 minutes. He started off by saying "We are gentle people; 9/11 was not us"....then he was saying things like the "American culture is nothing but sex sex sex". :killingme He also told my hubby that men are not to touch another woman in any way unless its his wife. They can't even look other women in the eye!

The food was interesting as well. Most things were spicy, but some weren't. Luckily, we ate before we went. :lol:

However, it was entertaining and very educational!
punjabigyrl said:
I want to go. Dress up in the traditional outfits, awesome jewelry, get your hair did etc. I haven't dressed up in 2 months. Spicy doesn't mean it will hot. It might be mild. Make sure you eat the yogurt relish. That will tone down the spices in the food.

I was too chicken to try the yogurt sauce. I did eat some sort of dumpling that had peas and potatoes in it. It was very good.

The clothing that the women wear are absolutely beautiful. So many colors and sparkles.