I’ve got a car dolly - I lIke Jameson & Makers.
I sure wish I thought this thread was going to produce real results, unlike my Passlock thread. TPD, I would gladly buy you a case of James & Makers to save me the apprehension and disappointment I endured yesterday.
I borrowed a car carrier from a coworker. When I pulled it from his place to my fiance's house, all seemed well for the trip. I hooked up yesterday morning and headed west to collect a 1967 VW beetle that still had floor boards and wasn't drastically "modified" by any previous owners. It actually still had the correct 1500cc motor!
I found out that my 2003 Trailblazer with 275hp and 275 ft lbs of torque, isn't a "real" truck and doesn't like foot hills. I got as far as Brown County VA before I had to abort my mission and give up my dream of owning another lost part of my youth.
I have no doubt that I could've towed Beula II home on a dolly, but the trailer alone was enough to make me realize that the TrailBlazer wasn't up to the task. Mission aborted and dreams dashed, I limped back home without my beloved Beetle.
The owner "may" be trading it today for another project, but I'll wait and see what happens. With 3 or 4 older boats and a fiance with a "bucket list", I really don't need another project, but that never stopped me before.