Anyone up for free photos?


I have been studying photography for a while and would like a chance to shoot some more weddings without the stress of getting paid. Call it crazy but photography is what I love. If you would like somone to tag along with your "Professional" photographer just to make sure the beautiful moments are captured I would love to share and perhaps capture some of your best memories while practicing. I have all of my own equipment. I just need the invite and will give you everything I take on CD. I promise to stay out of the way of everyone. Please to reduce the stress only include me if you have a professional or you really cant afford to pay someone. Lets just look at it as us helping each-other out. Life is too short and beautiful to skip the things you enjoy over money...

If interested send me an email,


Nitz said:
I have been studying photography for a while and would like a chance to shoot some more weddings without the stress of getting paid. Call it crazy but photography is what I love. If you would like somone to tag along with your "Professional" photographer just to make sure the beautiful moments are captured I would love to share and perhaps capture some of your best memories while practicing. I have all of my own equipment. I just need the invite and will give you everything I take on CD. I promise to stay out of the way of everyone. Please to reduce the stress only include me if you have a professional or you really cant afford to pay someone. Lets just look at it as us helping each-other out. Life is too short and beautiful to skip the things you enjoy over money...

If interested send me an email,

This is very sweet. Good luck to you :yay:


Super Genius
Kinda bad timing right now..."wedding season" is over. If you don't get any bites, try again in the Spring. Also, you should go to the professional photographer if you want to tag along, not the people having the wedding. Starting next year, I'm probably going to do "cut rate" wedding photography with the understanding that I'm learning. I'm sure there are plenty of people on a shoestring budget willing to take a chance.

Out of curiosity, what kind of gear do you have? Camera(s), lenses, flash, etc.


Brenda you are missed!!!
Nitz said:
I have been studying photography for a while and would like a chance to shoot some more weddings without the stress of getting paid. Call it crazy but photography is what I love. If you would like somone to tag along with your "Professional" photographer just to make sure the beautiful moments are captured I would love to share and perhaps capture some of your best memories while practicing. I have all of my own equipment. I just need the invite and will give you everything I take on CD. I promise to stay out of the way of everyone. Please to reduce the stress only include me if you have a professional or you really cant afford to pay someone. Lets just look at it as us helping each-other out. Life is too short and beautiful to skip the things you enjoy over money...

If interested send me an email,

What about Family picture's????


Free Photos

Thank you for your advice.
I would imagine that I will approach someone in the spring about being a photography assistant.
I have taken a few calendar photos and some personal photos that have turned out very beautiful. But I owe this all to luck and the beauty of the persons being photographed.
I love the art of photography and want to learn more about all of the amazing parts of this through experience..
I found myself being reluctant to asking a professional in this county for the fear of them looking at me as upcoming competition once I learned enough but to be honest this is not nor will it ever be my intention.
I really just love the art and want to become better. To me a photograph is a memory that will never carry any weight to being there but in all appreciation for this someone should be able to bring this memory back as close as possible. In my own life I am successful at other things and have no desire to do this for a living. I love my other job very much. I know how hard it is to work for your money and I make enough to suit my needs. I admire photographers like I do artist. I just don’t want to mix the love with money.
It may sound crazy but if you knew me you would understand. You just might anyway!
As far as my equipment goes I shoot with 2 cameras.
One is a Nikon D100, SB800 flash with a Tameron 27-70 f2.8
Actually I have quite a few lenses for this but it has problems in low light focusing..
The other is a Canon 30D with a Sigma 24-70/2.8 EX DG
Its not the 5000.00 cameras I would like but since I’m not charging nor do I want to charge people it should do well.
I guess what I am trying to say is in the end the photo I wind up with usually is amazing to me by luck, then again maybe it isn’t. I really would like to make sure I do my part of the art understanding all of the subtle learning it takes a professional. Although it is quite enjoyable for me many of the Southern Maryland Photographers have spent many hours of their personal time truly learning all of the painstaking "Math" behind taking incredible photos and have decided for their profession to dedicate themselves to this and I applaud them. I am trying to stay out of their way in their earning what they deserve and to learn what I love for personal enjoyment.

Humbly I appreciate your advice and wish you a great life and thank you very much for your comment. If you happen to be a local photographer drop me an email I would love to learn art from you. I will work very hard to ensure your professional reputation.


I would love to shoot some family photos. Especially something small. Since I shoot digital you can get a good feeling if the photos I am shooting are comming out as planned. Shoot me an email and lets bounce some ideas back and forth.


I love your myspace

Looks like you have an incredible amout of fun in life.
I hope we meet up someday to share experiences.
If you ever go out shooting your freinds shoot me an email.
Hell shoot me an email and let talk about the cars :)


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Nitz said:
I have been studying photography for a while and would like a chance to shoot some more weddings without the stress of getting paid. Call it crazy but photography is what I love. If you would like somone to tag along with your "Professional" photographer just to make sure the beautiful moments are captured I would love to share and perhaps capture some of your best memories while practicing. I have all of my own equipment. I just need the invite and will give you everything I take on CD. I promise to stay out of the way of everyone. Please to reduce the stress only include me if you have a professional or you really cant afford to pay someone. Lets just look at it as us helping each-other out. Life is too short and beautiful to skip the things you enjoy over money...

If interested send me an email,

Wouldn't mind seeing what you could do with my car. I have taken some good shots but would like to try a few things and can't get a person to take what I need. Just some burnouts and such.


Super Genius
Nitz said:
I found myself being reluctant to asking a professional in this county for the fear of them looking at me as upcoming competition once I learned enough
Yeah, I know what you mean. I know a few pro wedding photographers, but it doesn't seem like they want to take someone along and show them the ropes. But maybe that's because they've seen some of my photos :diva: :lmao:
Nitz said:
I really just love the art and want to become better.
Where are you located? :whistle:
Nitz said:
As far as my equipment goes I shoot with 2 cameras.
One is a Nikon D100, SB800 flash with a Tameron 27-70 f2.8
Actually I have quite a few lenses for this but it has problems in low light focusing..
The other is a Canon 30D with a Sigma 24-70/2.8 EX DG
Its not the 5000.00 cameras I would like but since I’m not charging nor do I want to charge people it should do well.
Strange...a Nikon and a Canon...usually people choose one or the other for easier/cheaper accessorizing.

Anyway, a 30D is plenty. In fact, the D100 is probably really comes down to the lenses, lighting, and skill. Looks like you have fast glass which is a must because lighting in churches tends to suck and they also tend to not like you using flash. For the reception, flash is usually needed and it helps to have a flash bracket and off-camera cord so that you can keep the shadows behind people instead of throwing them off to the side when you orient the camera vertically.


New Member
flomaster said:
Wouldn't mind seeing what you could do with my car. I have taken some good shots but would like to try a few things and can't get a person to take what I need. Just some burnouts and such. work with someone that takes some pretty good pics. :whistle:


New Member
Most professional photographers will not allow, or won’t be very happy with another person taking photos next to them. Especially when they are taking the posing shots. The candid shots however should not be a problem. Good luck with the photography. I also take a lot of photos (at work mostly) and enjoy it.