Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Midnightrider
I have and have had dogs all my life. Mine is much happier for long periods to be outside than inside. When she was younger she would hardly want to come in sometimes. Now that she is gray and old she spends more time inside, but she still gets chained out sometimes. I say its much better than letting a dog run in the street and get killed, and even a little more humane than locking them in a box all day.
My probelm is with know it all bitties that make even this dramtic.
if you really think there is a problem call animal control. But there should be a fee charged for false reports.
Yeah, aren't you the idiot that posted recently how you chain your dog to the porch so it can bark at your neighbors and cars going by? The the dog doesn't like being alone in the back yard without entertainment.
It is my hope that YOU don't breed. And that you do have a rabies shot!
and my hope is that you STFU.
please take your worthless little life and throw it off a bridge
(see, us big boys can say that stuff in public instead of hiding behind karma)