New Member
aquadots are meant for children of a certain age are they not? Usually on the outside of toy packaging it says the recommended ages. I think by the time you are 5 or 6 stuff that is a toy is not food! I mean kids should know the difference between toys and food. I know I will be raising my child that way. Then again she is 2 and I couldn't imagine buying her aquadots. WE stick to crayola crayons and play-doh and thats only when I can supervise so she doesn't stick anything into her mouth. Prevention is key!
Ok well imagine taking your baby over to a friends house who has these Aqua dots. Lets say you let her crawl around on the floor and there happens to be a little bead that was dropped in the carpet. Kids tend to drop stuff all the time and I am sure that these little beads can be a pain to find when drop. Well we all know babies love to put stuff they find while crawling in their mouth. Now what would you do.. Who would you blame the parent who didn't catch that little bead or the company who just poison your baby?
Another thing the reason why their wasn't a concern on the chocking hazard is because these things are so small it would not block the passage way.