Nah...we'd just...
...get Janet Reno out there claiming the Sioux were abusing children, then we'd go burn 'em out. Maybe claim they had some WMD...hey, wait a minute!?
The thing about Israel that you and Ken seem comfortable with is that somehow the surrounding Arabs are going to suddenly stop having, as official policy, the elimination of the Jews if Israel does thus and such.
Well, I think that is a huge leap of faith. Especially when you consider that the Palestinians are in essence Syrians, Arafat ain't even from the region and that the Palestinians get NO help, support or, ahem, immigration into the surrounding nations, Jordan, Syria, et al. They are not ALLOWED into these nations.
They are used as cast-offs for one reason: Irritate Israel. Nobody says BOO about Syrian occupation of Lebanon, going on, what, ten years now? Not a few troops, but total military control.
It is not possible, to me, to square what else goes on in the region and then constantly dump what I see as the lions share of responsibility on this tiny little country whom EVERYBODY in the region has tried to wipe out at least once in the last 60 years or so, all the while treating the Palestinians, the supposed aggrieved party, just as shabbily, maybe worse.
In this way it is not like the giant US picking on a bunch of helpless Indians.
*this post has been spel cheked