O.K. I apologize for coming off as being condescnding.
As a matter of fact I have studied the Middle East first hand. I lived there for over 10 years and have many, many friends who are Palestinians. I have heard the stories of how their families are treated. I have travelled there and seen it with medical teams who were bringing injured people out for treatment. If I come off as being ignorant of anything it was only of the knowledge of what your knowledge of the Middle East is and I apologize for that. Most of what I talked about I have seend either first hand or discussed with people who have lived through it. This is why I can say what I say.
Your also right about a large number of Isreali Arabs as well as a Isreali peace activists who regularly protest against what Isreal is doing in Palestine that are never heard of in the mainstream press.
The historical homeland is where Isreal currently exists. They have been there for generations as had many Jewish families also. They should not have to move an inch from where they are or were to accommodate immigrants from around the world. That's why they themselves choose not to go to the surrounding countries.
As for the endless demonstrations and effiges being burned, yes, they will peter out when the US blindly stops supporting Isreal and makes them adhere to international standards and UN Resulutions that have been ignored by them for almost 40 years. The situation with Danniel Pearl was an unfortunate situation perpetrated by ignorant people. No excuse there.
Calm Down...let's continue the discussion. I promise to be more civil.

As a matter of fact I have studied the Middle East first hand. I lived there for over 10 years and have many, many friends who are Palestinians. I have heard the stories of how their families are treated. I have travelled there and seen it with medical teams who were bringing injured people out for treatment. If I come off as being ignorant of anything it was only of the knowledge of what your knowledge of the Middle East is and I apologize for that. Most of what I talked about I have seend either first hand or discussed with people who have lived through it. This is why I can say what I say.
Your also right about a large number of Isreali Arabs as well as a Isreali peace activists who regularly protest against what Isreal is doing in Palestine that are never heard of in the mainstream press.
The historical homeland is where Isreal currently exists. They have been there for generations as had many Jewish families also. They should not have to move an inch from where they are or were to accommodate immigrants from around the world. That's why they themselves choose not to go to the surrounding countries.
As for the endless demonstrations and effiges being burned, yes, they will peter out when the US blindly stops supporting Isreal and makes them adhere to international standards and UN Resulutions that have been ignored by them for almost 40 years. The situation with Danniel Pearl was an unfortunate situation perpetrated by ignorant people. No excuse there.
Calm Down...let's continue the discussion. I promise to be more civil.