Are Bavarian potato dumplings


RoseRed said:
It wasn't planned. I stopped at a friends house after work to drop/pick up stuff and she is husbandless/1 kidless, so we decided to go to dinner together.

It was fun until mine did BELCH #2 and she was drug to the bathroom and spanked (only once). :lol:
WTF is that?


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
I must have goofed the foolproof directions. I couldn't even make Boy eat them. I held him down but couldn't pry his mouth open far enough to force them in.
Did you use the Panni mix, or the ones that were in a bag you just dumped in boiling water..

But the best way to eat them is split them in two, and pour a little au jus over them.. they do feel like they are pure starch..

and generally they are tasteless..
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Pete said:
WTF is that?

One entry found for belch.

Main Entry: belch
Pronunciation: 'belch
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bealcan
intransitive senses
1 : to expel gas suddenly from the stomach through the mouth
2 : to erupt, explode, or detonate violently
3 : to issue forth spasmodically : GUSH
transitive senses
1 : to eject or emit violently
2 : to expel (gas) from the stomach suddenly : ERUCT
- belch noun



American Beauty
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
Oh man... she had some bubbly firepower behing those belches... no wonder she got your attention...:lol:

She got the attention of everyone. Including, Mark the chef, he told her she burped like a man.

Not one of my prouder moments.


In My Opinion
RoseRed said:
It was fun until mine did BELCH #2 and she was drug to the bathroom and spanked (only once). :lol:

Ah yes, the childish belching in public places.. very much an embarrassment for the adults attached to the young gas filled offspring.

Have you thought of teaching this child the art of man farting?
properly taught it can be a most rewarding experience for all. correctly done the moment of release should be done with little or no noise, thus reducing the sudden embarrassment to the parental units in public.
The key is to produce a strong aroma with that silent release that will seep out and strike those around with no way to pinpoint the originator of the fragrance.
This is a twofold blessing for the parents.
To teach the child this art, it must be explained that vegies and other high fiber foods will produce sufficient fuel for the release, and by using different vegies one can actaully fine tune the aroma of said release.
over time the child will become almost a chemist when it comes to fragrance production. A skill that can be carried with them throught their life.

as always, I am more than happy to help with any problem that comes up.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
bcp said:
Ah yes, the childish belching in public places.. very much an embarrassment for the adults attached to the young gas filled offspring.

Have you thought of teaching this child the art of man farting?

I am quite certain that her father has this one covered.


In My Opinion
RoseRed said:
I am quite certain that her father has this one covered.
The child appears to be in good hands.
Kudos for the hands on approach to child rearing.
K_Jo said:
I had pierogies the other night for the first time. I :heart: pierogies. :yum:


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