Nice try Cleo! Ever wonder why most of the bad press is from folks and businesses that actually drive or service them and most of the good press is from the EV manufacturers and greenies. I suspect the folks that have them and the folks who service them have a little better handle on what is going on with them and from what I READ and hear it ain't good Cleo! Crappy EV's everyone of them, time will show who is correct, and it is a race against time, they will either improve them or they just become another fad here and gone.Sorry, but posting the same poorly researched and written anecdotal articles doesn't count really count. "My wife and I took a road trip without bothering to found out where and when we should charge and it sucked a lot!!!"
Whatever happened to that tidal wave of burning EVs that we were supposed to see? That never happened, did it?
We do agree that forcing people, or even providing incentives to buy them are Bad Ideas. Letting market forces guide the adoption curve will give the grid time to adjust. We agree that crappy EVs are not a good buy.
Now don't get too depressed, even I believe that they have a use, Pizza delivery for one Mail delivery 2nd, in a city you may have a shot!