Are You One Of Those People Who....

Do you like the radio/tv on constantly?

  • Yes, I have to have it on, all the time. Work, home, car.

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • Occasionally, if I'm doing certain things. (specify)

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • Once in a while. I like my peace and quiet.

    Votes: 21 35.0%
  • Hardly. I don't like the racquet and listen/watch only if I have to.

    Votes: 6 10.0%

  • Total voters


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
The TV is usually on from dinnerish time until morning (in one room or another). I have it on through the night. I don't have any real answer as to why except maybe it's always been that way. :shrug:

During the day, however, I can go without, even w/out stereo in the car.

But, if I'm walking or at the park with the dogs, etc, if no one is around, I feel irritable if I don't have music.

I have to have and use media all around me, but need silence to decompress and regenerize, I suppose.


Throwing the deuces
I will listen to the radio only in the car. Never at home or at work. The TV is normally always on because one of my sons and my husband are the type that need to have it "in the background" while they are doing something else. Sometimes my husband will be in a completely different room and as soon as I turn off the TV, he comes flying out and asks me why I turned it off.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Allllll. :huggy: It's so sweet to know that you cater to my needs by letting the tv run all night when I'm over. :love:

I go into a coma the second my head hits the pillow - don't even hear the TV. Heck, you guys have sat down there still partying after I've gone to bed and I didn't hear you at all. :lol:


I always have music or tv on in the background. Its kinda like the "sound track of my life". Have you ever watched a movie or tv program that had no sound track???


I could really do without TV, not much interest me on there......but I gotta' have my tunes..


I go into a coma the second my head hits the pillow - don't even hear the TV. Heck, you guys have sat down there still partying after I've gone to bed and I didn't hear you at all. :lol:
omg, I envy you! I have to have silence with a fan on for white noise... can't have TV because the noise varies and the variations wake me up. Takes me 15-20 minutes to get to sleep too... even when I'm really tired. I wake up all night too... terrible sleeper.


Well-Known Member
i don't really have an answer for why, but I find I'm more able to concentrate on work if the radio/tv is on. otherwise I find other distractions (like somd) that can't be done at the same time as writing/grading papers.
See, I have figured out (I think) the reason why I'm one of those people who almost always has at LEAST music, if not the Tv, on whenever I'm doing school work or something on the computer...
I am a multi-tasker.
If I don't have something else on, I actually find it harder to concentrate on what I'm "supposed" to be doing. It's like my brain needs a certain amount of input or it just starts drifting off into thinking about nonsense things. :lmao:

omg, I envy you! I have to have silence with a fan on for white noise... can't have TV because the noise varies and the variations wake me up. Takes me 15-20 minutes to get to sleep too... even when I'm really tired. I wake up all night too... terrible sleeper.

GF is just like that.
I totally had to adapt because I was a TV at night person as well, though I'd turn the sleep timer on so it didn't waste electricity overnight. I get to sleep earlier now that I'm not tempted to stay up and listen to/watch that one last show or tidbit of a show...but it is so different having (near) total darkness and no tv to listen to.
Oh, and I hate the fan in the winter...makes it even colder and is a total waste of electricity...I want to break the thing :lol:


See, I have figured out (I think) the reason why I'm one of those people who almost always has at LEAST music, if not the Tv, on whenever I'm doing school work or something on the computer...
I am a multi-tasker.
If I don't have something else on, I actually find it harder to concentrate on what I'm "supposed" to be doing. It's like my brain needs a certain amount of input or it just starts drifting off into thinking about nonsense things. :lmao:

Ok, that explains alot. You have ADD.


Well-Known Member
Ok, that explains alot. You have ADD.

Boy am I glad you're not a doctor :lmao:
Unless you're right, in which case...:shrug:...guess it does explain a lot.
I can't even sit here and just work all day long, if you don't notice my near-constant posting :killingme I do both at once, and it works out just dandy, but just sticking to work gets me too bored.
I don't think it's quite ADD though, I just feel like I'm wasting brain function if I'm doing something really monotonous and nothing else :shrug:


See, I have figured out (I think) the reason why I'm one of those people who almost always has at LEAST music, if not the Tv, on whenever I'm doing school work or something on the computer...
I am a multi-tasker.
If I don't have something else on, I actually find it harder to concentrate on what I'm "supposed" to be doing. It's like my brain needs a certain amount of input or it just starts drifting off into thinking about nonsense things. :lmao:

GF is just like that.
I totally had to adapt because I was a TV at night person as well, though I'd turn the sleep timer on so it didn't waste electricity overnight. I get to sleep earlier now that I'm not tempted to stay up and listen to/watch that one last show or tidbit of a show...but it is so different having (near) total darkness and no tv to listen to.
Oh, and I hate the fan in the winter...makes it even colder and is a total waste of electricity...I want to break the thing :lol:

See, I've often wondered if its serious things people want to avoid thinking about or confront.

Dude, you sound like my husband... I feel so bad for him some nights. He tells me, "I've seen a Robin make a nest in the time it takes you to get comfortable!'" :killingme

Seriously, I think we just need a new mattress and upgrade to a King size of those kind where if you flop, the other side doesn't move. What kind of bed is that? It's not tempurpedic..


Having Fun!
Ya, me too. I really hate it when the TV is on, and no one is watching it for quite a while...but the moment I turn it off, I get: "Why did you turn the TV off?!!"
Uh..cause nobody was watching it and its wasting electricity?

We have some funny conversations over that here.

It is the same at my house. My family always has the TV on, even when everyone is busy on laptops or in other rooms.

Sometimes I just want peace and quiet but they won't let me turn off the devil machine.

Or, they have it turned up so loud a person can't even think -- drives me nuts!

(Of course, all bets are off if I happen to have QVC on, but then, I rarely get control of the remote...):killingme


My 401K is now a 201K
I rarely 'watch' TV. I spend most of my time on the computer & I like to have the radio tuned to 91.3 (Jazz & Blues) on when I'm surfing/working on the computer.

I like the radio on when I'm getting ready in the AM & in the car for long drives or going to DC for traffic reports.

Hubby has total control of the TV remote; hence the reason I rarely watch it. :killingme


I only listen to the radio in the car, and I don't even drive. I like it though. 97.7 and 98.3. I also like NPR, but I have no idea what station that's on.

I have the TV on fairly often, because most of the things I do around the house are things I can do while I'm being entertained otherwise, like folding laundry, making food, dishes, any other number of chores. Pure entertainment I guess. I like movies, the Discovery Channels, and House M.D.

It has to be off when I'm reading a book. I can't even listen to music without lyrics while I'm reading, it distracts me from reading.