fine artist
Then why do you keep doing it?
Truth hurts but that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile.
Then why do you keep doing it?
Truth hurts but that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile.
Ah. A masochist. Have I got a girl for you!
I'm afraid you are mistaken and I already have a girlfriend love.
Well, let me know when it falls apart. I'll hook you up.
Y'all need to read the Bible.......instead of chanting.
How about you just worry about your own self?
Truth hurts but that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile.
So you're here to put a hurtin' on believing folk with your deep breaths of acumen.
I'm boring. I prefer to worry about you.
I am here to spread truth. If it hurts, then maybe it should. I just want to talk some sense into these bozos.
I'd rather you not. I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself just fine.
And who are these bozos? Are you asserting your beliefs are superior to these bozos?
I am here to spread truth. If it hurts, then maybe it should. I just want to talk some sense into these bozos.
I believe in logic. How about yourself? Would you debunk logic in favor of the Bible? That seems sort of bogus.
How can one know God exists?
Because the Bible says so.
How can one know the Bible is accurate?
Because it is the word of God.
And you seem to want to take of everyone else too. How caring.
Well, at least the bozos.
I believe in logic. How about yourself? Would you debunk logic in favor of the Bible? That seems sort of bogus.
How can one know God exists?
Because the Bible says so.
How can one know the Bible is accurate?
Because it is the word of God.
Well, it seems you've already answered it for me. What's logical to one person isn't to another. That's why it's called logic and not fact. The bible aside, logic dictates to me that there is an order to our universe that can't possibly come out of random events. Although I hold, to a certain degree, a belief in things like evolution; but the order of things demands an intelligence that created our universe. Does the bible adequately explain this? No! Does this discredit the bible? To some, yes. Not to me.