Let's try it this way...
Today, Emilie flaunted standing house rules by making a mess of her room and refuses to clean it saying "I cleaned it last week" I see no reason to clean it again. Besides, it is sovereign territory."
That evening, she staged a protest when we went to the movies without her, which we missed most of because..we went to the movies.
Later on, Kyle, seeing an opening (her room is getting "that" way a bit as well), joined her sister nation/state wannabee AFTER we got back from the movies. She says that chores without representation "are unlawful, un-nice and just plain anti-kid. Emily and I stand united."
Now, not wanting to "rush to groundation" we indulged the complainers a bit. "What are your real complaints? Aren't you really trying to write your own rules? Take over power for yourselves?"
They pondered this, promising to submit, in writing, the details. As we went out the door they said "...don't forget yogurt and I need some shampoo, OK?" We smiled.
At the store, the Nextel beeped..."We need milk as well and I need to be picked up at 6 tomorrow after school, not 5, K?"
When we got home, Alex, (ours) Leah and baby Heather (regional neighbor nation/state wannabees) had joined in and actually had their hands out as we pulled in to the driveway which was littered with basketballs, bicycles and them stupid scooters that were "in" two years ago. We smiled.
The "UN" (united neighbors) set down their signs ("Busch is a duhmee" one said) long enough to help us carry in the groceries and helped themselves to the yogurt before one can of beans had been put away. We noticed the computer left on, "Simpsons" blaring and some dreck they'd downloaded to the PC on the cable modem line blasting away on a CD they burned. Add in book bags galore and shoes everywhere and we got us some civil unrest.
Now, if you think about it, this really isn't over simplifying things at all. It is, however, hypothetical because we employ whatever means necessary, as needed, to keep the Huns in line.
So, the REAL question is:
After kissing up to the world via the UN for so damn long, how is it even remotely reasonable to give a tinkers damn about what any of them think when they refuse, refuse! to do what we want once in awhile after all the things we do for the ungrateful bastards?