Artisian Wells


New Member
You need to be aware that the State will not allow a pump to go below the top of the aquifer. It also doesn't allow pumping of that water to a point more than 80% from its historic high level to the top of the aquifer. That eliminates a whole lot of the "available" water for pumping in that area. Then you need to be aware of many other reports concerning the water supply there. I stand by my statements. There isn't enough water to go around and there are too many permits being issued.


I bowl overhand
You need to be aware that the State will not allow a pump to go below the top of the aquifer. It also doesn't allow pumping of that water to a point more than 80% from its historic high level to the top of the aquifer. That eliminates a whole lot of the "available" water for pumping in that area. Then you need to be aware of many other reports concerning the water supply there. I stand by my statements. There isn't enough water to go around and there are too many permits being issued.

it's OK, Greenland is melting, and by the time the Aquia goes dry we'll all be under water anyways!!



New Member
I looked on that website and I didnt see any area that would be close to me. I am in charles county, brandywine and i saw calvert, but nothing by me! My water is coming out like a stream of water now, with no pressure whatsoever and a couple of air pockets in between. I do have a home warranty on the house, but they dont cover putting in new wells and only cover anything else up to 300.00. Hopefully the service company will be able to come out sooner than later because I have a almost 2 year old here.

Thank you for your comments.

We have a neighbor here in Chas. Co. who had the same problem and they called us to see if we were. We weren't so she had a well company come out and they said her pump had to be lowered. They did and also got a new pump while they were at it and have had no problems since. Good luck!