As If They Haven"t Taken It Far Enough As It Is..


New Member
Angel said:
If you could speak in full sentences... Then I might give an eff about what you are saying. You do nobody justice with your "h8" speak. Spell it out. :burning:
Lets say hypothetically "it" used proper spelling and grammar. If you even come close to agreeing with "its" point of view, you too belong here~~> :shortbus:


Mikeinsmd said:
Lets say hypothetically "it" used proper spelling and grammar. If you even come close to agreeing with "its" point of view, you too belong here~~> :shortbus:
work with me here... I'm driving the damn short bus, but not the bus that this guy is on... Please... just work with me here. :flowers:


Super Genius
smashpumpkin said:
I think that we should respect the beliefs of Muslims even if we don't understand them. Most of them believe a drawing of Mohammed is considered blaphemy. It may be another case of miscommunication. I am not sure the Halifax student should be punished because he has a right to free speech. Other newpapers who published the cartoon such as Danish newpaper should be able to appologize if they did not understand the contreversy they started. Then again, when is the press ever held accountable?
I can respect that Muslims consider a drawing of Mohammed to be blasphemy, but I'm not Muslim. Therefore, I don't have to live by their rules. I can respect that others do things that I (as a Christian) consider wrong. I don't have to like it, but I can respect it. I definitely don't go around rioting or killing.

Bottom line...respect is not a one-way street.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
smashpumpkin said:
I think that we should respect the beliefs of Muslims even if we don't understand them.
Are you trying to tell me that you respect this cleric (that would be the head of their religion, like a minister, in case you didn't know that) wanting to kill someone over a cartoon?????

Are you serious???


Dancing Up A Storm
Shortbus, or no shortbus; what is going on over in the Middle East will eventually affect most of us in the western world.

Let's face it: Are we ready for another 9/11?

We can fantasize that it will never happen here again. We can negotiate, offer the carrot stick, cajole, extend the olive branch - for how long?

What will it take to restore order and peace, as we know it?

I watch the news, see the rioting going on, and I wonder each day, when and where it will spill over to our part of the world.

When will we muster up enough courage as a common entity, a culture of humanity, and grow the needed backbone, and say "enough is enough?"

Can we, as human beings say "You're threatening my way of life, and I don't agree, I don't buy with what you're offering as an alternative."

When does push come to shove?
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This Space for Rent
Penn said:
Apparently, it is the nature of these people to use shock and violence to make their point.
When is the rest of the world going to stand up and say we won't tolerate that barbaric behavior?

Stomp, shout, act deeply offended - Ok - I can understand that. But they are telling the rest of us how extremist they really are.

It knows no boundaries, it seems. How long can any of us stay pizzed off over an insult?

To them, it goes on and on and on.

Are we talking about the muslim thing or fight club?


In My Opinion
The backlash from the U.S dropping a nuke in the middle east would be more than we could handle.
The chinese would get just a bit pissed when the fallout started heading their way, all the other middle east countries would be pissed,, well, those that actually still had a winky to be pissed with.
The French,, what the hell am I saying, the French would surrender to each other.
Russia would side with china.
our fuel would be cut off.

a nuke, while tempting, and enjoyable would cause more problems than it could solve right now.

Im all for pulling out the troops, and begining another shock and awe airstrike attack over the entire region. Oh, and drop one on Paris while we are at it, we can claim that the bomb just fell by accident and if they dont accept our apologies, the next ones would be on purpose.


This Space for Rent
bcp said:
Im all for pulling out the troops, and begining another shock and awe airstrike attack over the entire region. Oh, and drop one on Paris while we are at it, we can claim that the bomb just fell by accident and if they dont accept our apologies, the next ones would be on purpose.

The French should understand "accidental" bombings. Just ask Greenpeace. :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
smashpumpkin said:
I think that we should respect the beliefs of Muslims even if we don't understand them. Most of them believe a drawing of Mohammed is considered blaphemy. It may be another case of miscommunication. I am not sure the Halifax student should be punished because he has a right to free speech. Other newpapers who published the cartoon such as Danish newpaper should be able to appologize if they did not understand the contreversy they started. Then again, when is the press ever held accountable?
I can't stand the spelling errors. Sorry. Now I can't read this thread any more.....


Asperger's Poster Child
ylexot said:
I can respect that Muslims consider a drawing of Mohammed to be blasphemy, but I'm not Muslim. Therefore, I don't have to live by their rules. I can respect that others do things that I (as a Christian) consider wrong. I don't have to like it, but I can respect it. I definitely don't go around rioting or killing.

Bottom line...respect is not a one-way street.


Well-Known Member other thread:

1st URL failed...but here is the gist:

Two patriots confront a mob of Islamofascists IN FRANCE!
with signs supporting free speech & Denmark:
The clip has subtitles and is pretty entertaining. Found it on Protest warrior
If we bomb France....lets try to miss their house ok?

OK...we'll try a second source:

click on the right side bulletin where it says Two Frenchmen crash Protest
video option is below...
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Dancing Up A Storm
It works for me. :howdy:
<TABLE height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=524 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD><TD class=copy vAlign=top align=left>Welcome to, a website created to help arm the liberty-loving silent majority with ammo -- ammo that strikes at the intellectual solar plexus of the Left.



Dancing Up A Storm
FromTexas said:
Are we talking about the muslim thing or fight club?
Both! :lmao:

I don't know, but it seems as though these folks "feed" off each other's emotions. Their own news media fans the flames daily. Now, we have a fairly large Muslim population in this country of ours, too. I don't see them taking to the streets with guns and knives, burning flags etc.

What have they learned, that their brothers have not?


Well-Known Member
Here's what I have learned:

The Ox is slow but the Earth is patient.

**Where the Moslem population is able to hit Critical mass (20%+/-)..then you can qualify for car-burning riots (ie Paris)

**When it hits 50%...then they begin driving out smaller groups Lebannon

**When they hit 80%...they call for worldwide jihad and murder at random. Destroy historic sites, expel anyone, and subdue all women, seize all forms of education, and dominate the airwaves. (Afghanistan 2001)

**When you hit officially enter the 11th century.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Then again..........

I posted this earlier in the Breakfast Club:

Italian official quits amid cartoon fury in Libya
Protesters torch consulate after official wears shirt featuring prophet

So, this nitwit appears on state(national TV?) wearing a t-shirt he made up with the cartoons that pizzed the Muslims off in the first place.

What the hell was HE thinking? :rolleyes:


Asperger's Poster Child
Penn said:
Now, we have a fairly large Muslim population in this country of ours, too. I don't see them taking to the streets with guns and knives, burning flags etc.

What have they learned, that their brothers have not?
Excellent question! My guess is this: they've seen the benefits of American freedom of religion and freedom of speech. This would be especially true of the Muslims who have fled repressive regimes. They've seen how Americans who were offended by, say, Andres Serrano's photography didn't murder and riot, but simply spoke their minds and went on with life. They've seen how religion flourishes when government keeps a neutral, hands-off position. And, I hope, they've learned that their personal faith is strong enough to withstand an occasional idiotic cartoon.