Free to Fly
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I deleted all my old messages .... maybe it was full
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hmmmm I didn't get it =(
I deleted all my old messages .... maybe it was full
...never question my dinner date......understand...??
I disagree. It's exactly the same.Your right the difference between Poof we exist (ID) or evolution is Different.
So, we can agree that neither is provable nor proven. We disagree about whether there is any substantial proof of evolution from sponge to human (and ficus). Please provide......We can argue about whether its provable or not, (which infers you know the future), thats why its a Theory. Unlike your beliefs answer, which does differ from others. Not only is Your "answer" not Proven nore Provable, there is no research to refute or substantiate it. The entire premise is you just have to have Faith.
Evidence is not a detriment. However, I stipulate I have none. I'm pointing out you don't either.You are arguing about evidence? The entire concept of your Belief, is you have to have Faith, Evidence is not necessary and is actually a detriment.
No, just the opposite. Science requires a test to call ID science. However, where is the test for abiogenesis? Where is the test for sponge to both human and algae. Gradual changes in a biped over hundreds of thousands of years seems likely from the fossil evidence (so does flying machines thousands of years ago from the archeological evidence, but that's a whole different story - talking about how evidence is "read"), but it still doesn't demonstrate that it did happen, much less that the sponge was it's great grandfather.Your belief requires that you do NOT uphold yourself to the same standard you are expecting of Science. Even though Science itself, by definition, holds itself to this high standard.
No, it tends to fit the pre-determined answer, much like is maligned from ID. Seeing a single type of living machine change, but not drastically in shape or form, is not the same as seeing life come from non-life, nor seeing a sponge mutate through the generations to both a ficus and a human. It just doesn't meet the same ideaFossil evidence, Fossil similiarities and the evidence of Evolution that are visible today all lend to a greater understanding and evidence of the Theory of evolution.
No, it's to continue researching with an OPEN mind.[/quote]The problem is of those trillions of other people, a MINORITY of them feel the same as yourself, you ignore the TRILLIONS who believe and feel they are correct in their "answer".[/quote]You're speaking of Christianity alone. I'm speaking all through time of all religions. The vast majority of people throughout time have believed in a Creator. Not necessarily the same one I do, but a Creator nonetheless.Your "answer" to this is to ignore the Evidence and instead have Faith.
I still know they're not the same thing, but for one to work, the other must also work.abiogensis and evolution are not the same thing.
You admit to believing in evolution, you yourself recognize the factors leading to it. we may argue the starting point, but to argue that Genesis is as valid as Abiogensis is silly.
One of those two demands that you deny a quest for knowledge
That's the beauty of ID vs. religion - it doesn't have to be agreed upon. It doesn't assume one or the other is more valid.And using logic, the above scenario is truly much more the likelihood than an Unknowing, Unprovable, Untestable, and Not agreed upon (since there are MANY religions other than your own) Entity created it all
Well, it presumed life still existed, including plant life and animal life, sea life, insects, etc., etc. It didn't die off, or change form from sponge to ficus and puppy both. So, no, it doesn't make that leap of logic at all.This is where Faith bites you in the rump. You claim that shere volume of Life that has sprung up prevents the likelihood, yet you believe in the Noah Flood? Dont we exist after the "Flood"? Isnt the likelihood of all the life that has sprung up after the "flood" also an indicator (using your logic) that the "Flood" didnt occur as transcribed?
Literally the whole earth, yes. But, again, was that the whole world known at the time, or the whole world. And, either way, it does not fit into any portion of ID. ID is about the origins of life, not about the Old Testament. ID is not, as I understand the actual thought behind it (differently than the court cases against it) Christian Creation - it's Intelligent Designer encompassing no religion or further stories. ID does not imply Jesus is truely the Messiah, nor that American Indians were visited by Jesus, nor any other specific religion. Moot point.Doesnt the Flood itself fail a credibility test?
No, why?what aboutIf answer A is yes, and B is No doesnt that leave a hole in your "credibility test"?
- Do you believe in Dinosaurs?
- If so did Man exist at the same time as them?
But, I'm not like an evolutionist - I don't dismiss other possibilities simply because I have a belief. ID is all about incorporating ALL beliefs, but has a creator.One doesnt predispose another. You are making the universe fit Creation. This is an arrogant attitude of YOUR belief. Other beliefs, which are just as valid (maybe not to you) have different ideas.
Lucy may or may not be my ancestor, but I believe it's possible - that's different than it's my belief. It's my belief to look at all the possibilities, and treat them equally until there is some kind of actual proof.If you want to see your ancestors look at a photograph. According to your already admittance, if you want to see a Genetic ancestor look at Lucy.
Exactly. The evidence doesn't support evolution. Fossils prove there are those particular fossils. Everything we gleen (glean?) from them is merely interpretation of the evidence. Again, those same fossils support ID! We were created, with a design, thus we can see how that design may have evolved.Paraphrasing Gil Grissom: Evidence is simply evidence. It is what it is. Nothing more and nothing less.
That bipeds changed over the millenium? Sure. That bipeds came from sponges? No, it doesn't show that at all. That's a leap of faith.And I think there is enough evidence to show us that evolution happened (and by extension, is happening), and that to say it's not a sound scientific axiom is just plain wrong.
I can certainly agree with all of this. I don't know if it will be 1 year, 100 years, 1000 years, or never and I'll be proven wrong. My point is, no one has been proven right at all yet. I'm not denying evolution as a possibility, I'm merely poking the same holes in the theory based upon the same line of thinking as people poking holes in ID. If we thought of evolution to the same standards (see Nuck's point on what makes up science earlier), evolution doesn't cut it any more than ID does.Now, I (and any scientist who respects Science itself) will admit that there is a chance that someday, someone might uncover a piece of evidence that totally blows the entire theory of evolution out of the water, and in 1000 years, we'll look back at the "loony theory of evolution" and be amused, much the same way that today we look back at the naivete of people who thought earth was the center of the universe, and is flat to boot.
Agreed. And, since nothing whatsoever has come close to pointing to a sponge's offspring mutations leading to a human and a ficus, it should not be integrated into what we call science yet either. People want to talk about how some moths may have changed color (without a known, just subjective to memory starting point) over time, go for it. That didn't transition a moth into a bird. People want to talk about humans standing more upright and living longer over time, go for it. That doesn't mean a sponge mutated over several iterations into a human (oh, and a ficus). ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has ever pointed to anything like that.However, the likelihood of such a find is very small, and since it has not been found yet, it cannot be integrated into what we call Science.
I don't think the concept of evolution was pulled from anyone's ass, and scientists all decided to manipulate the facts to fit the conclusion. It came from observation and discovery and research. I believe that the only way you can say it is not conclusive is if you're demanding a record or fossil of every generation detailing the minute changes of each all the way back to the cradle of life.That would work. Or, create a test wherein one cell of life transitions into land, amphibious, sea animals and plants through shere mutation and not manipulation. Then we'll have evolution as described. For abiogenesis, establish life on a lifeless planet without intervention. For the non-intelligent creation of the universe, take nothing and make a universe out of it. Sans that, it's pure conjecture for all the above.Again, for man to stand upright, live longer, change hair amounts on body, etc., I'll back that up as the most likely truth (though still not proven). But, sponge to man? Not a chance we can extrapolate that from what we've got.On a larger scale, we can work backwards with what we do have... and we have enough evidence to get from Z to Y to X to W, and we have the brains capable of arriving at the conclusion that the same thing happened for D, C, B & A as well.Again, you're talking about two four-legged creatures (wolves and dogs). Different maybe a little, but not different like a human and a pine tree, all from the same ancestry. It may be true, but we don't have any reason now to think that it is other than conjecture. As for birds and dinosaurs, that's another conjecture due to similar bone structures. From my earlier post about giraffes, it was assumed that giraffes and horses had a similar ancestor because of the neck bone, but became more likely to be from the deer because of similar other body structures. Maybe (and all I'm saying is maybe) similar bone structures aren't a good enough clue. All I'm saying, again, is maybe. The fact that maybe is a reasonable possibility proves we just don't have enough evidence to be so conclusive, and dismissive of other ideas.Of course evidence fades the farther you reach back into the mists of time. So, OK, we don't have the fossilized evidence which links sponges to lemurs. But with the preponderance of evidence that does exist between wolves and dogs, and apes and humans, and mammoths and elephants and birds and dinosaurs, it's absurd to think that such links do not occur farther back in the timeline.Facetious, sorry. I was making the point of untestabilityWait, what? 150 millionish years?But, we have algae today. And, we don't see the types of changes in it that would lead to believe it became, through mutations, anything but different forms of algae. That's my point. It may have happened, but we have nothing to base such a supposition on - no facts, no fossils, no empirical evidence, nothing but conjecture.Well, since I've proven God (at least to myself - and I have no desire to argue about it today), I believe you're correct.
But I know what you mean...
Since the links from algae to animal were probably all eaten or destroyed in the neighborhood of hundreds of millions of years ago, there will never be such evidence. However with the evidence that exists of links between more modern animals, it's pretty hard for me to believe that there are no links between the ancient critters as well.
Much like it's hard for me to believe that astronomical numbers behave differently than mundane numbers.
See what I mean? The evidence does not really support anything but that there are fossils.
And, since nothing whatsoever has come close to pointing to a sponge's offspring mutations leading to a human
and a ficus, it should not be integrated into what we call science yet either.
That doesn't mean a sponge mutated over several iterations into a human (oh, and a ficus).
That would work. Or, create a test wherein one cell of life transitions into land, amphibious, sea animals and plants through shere mutation and not manipulation. Then we'll have evolution as described. For abiogenesis, establish life on a lifeless planet without intervention.
The fact that maybe is a reasonable possibility proves we just don't have enough evidence to be so conclusive, and dismissive of other ideas.
But, we have algae today. And, we don't see the types of changes in it that would lead to believe it became, through mutations, anything but different forms of algae. That's my point. It may have happened, but we have nothing to base such a supposition on - no facts, no fossils, no empirical evidence, nothing but conjecture.
Exactly. The evidence doesn't support evolution. Fossils prove there are those particular fossils. Everything we gleen (glean?) from them is merely interpretation of the evidence. Again, those same fossils support ID! We were created, with a design, thus we can see how that design may have evolved.![]()
TP said:See what I mean? The evidence does not really support anything but that there are fossils.
what i find funny is that you need to include evolution in your story to make it believeable to yourself (BTW thats another thing you are just sticking in the story for the sake of making it easier to believe)
so DNA is only evidence that DNA exists, not of who it belongs to or who may have left it there? finger prints only evidence that finger prints exist, not that the person who owned them must have touched the surface they were foun on? Fossils of teeth only evidence that fossilized teeth exist, not the types of foods these teeth probably consumed and the type and age of the animal?
ev·i·dence Audio Help /ˈɛvɪdəns/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ev-i-duhns] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -denced, -denc·ing.
–noun 1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.
3. Law. data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects.
i'd say that the fossils in question are more than jsut evidence that those fossil exist, and that those animal existed. As toxic said, one or two fossils might not be evidence of evolution, but the numerous fossils that we do have indicate even to you that man has changed during his existence, and that is definately NOT something covered in the bible.
I don't know about "absurd"No, I don't. It appears that you're saying that the evidence does not indicate anything other than their own existence. I don't buy that. When you line up fossil after fossil, and you can actually see the progression then the evidence does in fact support evolution.
Does it 100% undeniably, unequivocably PROVE it? Maybe not. But it certainly makes it absurd to believe that it didn't happen.
To me, anyway.
Until just very recently, the sponge was considered the first likely "complex" lifeform from which all else came (evolutionarily speaking) Thus, since I can't remember what they're saying it is now, I stick to the sponge as the mother of all living things - plant, animal, insect, bird, etc....Just curious: Why have you fixated on sponges?
And, to say humans stand taller, live longer, etc....THAT evolution I will buy as likely. Not proven, not the only possible answer, but likely.I disagree. In fact, since the study of this phenomenon an ongoing process (and will probably remain so until the end of time), it falls firmly within the realm of science. Gravity wasn't a part of science until Newton took a rap on the head. Relativity wasn't a part of science until the middle of last century. Science does not, and has never, claimed to be the end-all, be-all for every answer that will ever be asked. It is simply the accumulation of acquired human knowledge. Right now, evolution is simply the best answer we currently have based on the available data.
If you limit the concept to a species changing within itself, I would agree.And if anyone ever comes up with a differing idea which is supported by the evidence, that will also fall within the realm of science. And then evolution and Theory X can duke it out on their own merits. As of right now, there is no reason (that I can see) to doubt that the process of evolution did not happen, and is not currently happening.
Why? Proven, usable, used science in aerodynamics says a bumblebee simply cannot fly - yet we use that science daily to put 767s in the air. "Supernatural" just means beyond which is explainable by natural laws. That would be like saying quantum physics isn't explainable because the laws are different than macrophysics. Science incorporated a whole new set of laws because they were there - why not supernatural concepts? The Big Bang theory has natural law breaking down in the first (something like) 10E-40 second - does that mean it cannot be true? No, it means there are laws beyond which we can comprehend. We accept it there, we accept it within the subatomic particles, but we can't accept it as science if it's possible there's a hand guiding it? That, with all due respect, is the absurd concept.Intelligent design (much as I believe in it) does NOT fall within the realm of "science", because there is no scientific evidence which supports it. None, whatsoever. And since science is pure empiricism, by virtue of its method it excludes metaphysics and the supernatural. Period.
In what way? I mean that seriously.... man and ape have a similar ancestor? What about before that, and before that, and before that ad infinitum? Eventually, we have to take it back to a single cell. That created the dreaded sponge, the dreaded ficus, and you and me.I think you may be misrepresenting what exactly evolution involves, yes?
I'm glad we agree here, and I honestly think reading Tommy's rewording of my points may make my points a bit muddier than they really are. I bet we agree on more than this if I could just communicate it well enough!Well, see, here is where you and I can agree and have harmony - because I don't believe that such mutations could exist without a guiding hand, and I don't believe in abiogenisis without a helping hand.
I simply believe that God used evolution as one of his many tools.
I don't think most dismiss for no other reason than a superiority complex, but I do think some do. And, an open mind is an open mind, period. Switching from ID to Genesis - Genesis is wide open to interpretation when it comes to time frames and forms for how everything came from God's hand. ID merely says that there is a designer - not necessarily that things sprang forth "fully formed" as it is today. All I'm seeking is an open mind not for Genesis, but for ID - that there is a reasonable concept with equal proof and provability as abiogenesis and evolution.I don't think that any evolutionist is being dismissive for the sake of being dismissive. However, when presented with an alternate idea, they (including moi) needs something more substantive than: Anteaters, sperm whales, human beings, bumblebees, cobras and kangaroos sprang fully formed from God's head.
Did you read the "redneck logic" joke?Extrapolition based on related data, perhaps. I'm sure that's not enough to satisify your need for PROOF, but you must give credit where it's due - extrapolation builds a more valid foundation than simple conjecture.
I hate to break the joke up for you, but I don't need to include evolution in "my story" to make it believable to myself. I merely mention it's a possibility because A) it is, and B) it demonstrates my open mind on the subject.what i find funny is that you need to include evolution in your story to make it believeable to yourself (BTW thats another thing you are just sticking in the story for the sake of making it easier to believe)
Well, we can observe, test, repeat the DNA varies, and exists in a certain form only for a certain life; and that statistically speaking, finger prints don't appear for no apparent reason, and can be traced to a certain finger. We've yet to demonstrate that the fossil of an ape lead to the fossil of a human. They're sure similar, but we can't trace an actual chain, we just suspect that there's a chain (with a few broken links that we also have to assume in). It would be more comparable to finding a piece of metal in Ohio, and another piece of metal in France, and constructing a tractor by trying to put those two pieces together - and then extrapolating a combine from two or three tractors we put together as I just described.so DNA is only evidence that DNA exists, not of who it belongs to or who may have left it there? finger prints only evidence that finger prints exist, not that the person who owned them must have touched the surface they were foun on?
We may be able to guess, but we can't be certain by any means, no.Fossils of teeth only evidence that fossilized teeth exist, not the types of foods these teeth probably consumed and the type and age of the animal?
You're right that it's not covered in the Bible - other than where it mentions God changing us throughout time (after the Tower of Babel, after the fall from the Garden, when he changed our longevity, etc., etc., etc.) However, I'm still not trying to prove the Bible. I'm trying to open your mind that evolution has flaws in concept, in proof, etc.ev·i·dence
1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.
3. Law. data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects.
i'd say that the fossils in question are more than jsut evidence that those fossil exist, and that those animal existed. As toxic said, one or two fossils might not be evidence of evolution, but the numerous fossils that we do have indicate even to you that man has changed during his existence, and that is definately NOT something covered in the bible.
Science is all about empericism. That's all it is. Observance and recording of facts to obtain knowledge. It is cold. It's calculating. It is - by definition - brutally honest and does not allow room for error.
That science admits when there are holes or unknowns or variables does not negate or invalidate the known facts which do exist. It simply means that as of the current moment, some piece of information is not known.
I hate to break the joke up for you, but I don't need to include evolution in "my story" to make it believable to myself. I merely mention it's a possibility because A) it is, and B) it demonstrates my open mind on the subject.
For it to be "another thing I stick in the story", there would have to have been a previous thing. There's not, so..... (Tox, you're right, sometimes extrapolation DOES work just fine!)Well, we can observe, test, repeat the DNA varies, and exists in a certain form only for a certain life; and that statistically speaking, finger prints don't appear for no apparent reason, and can be traced to a certain finger. We've yet to demonstrate that the fossil of an ape lead to the fossil of a human. They're sure similar, but we can't trace an actual chain, we just suspect that there's a chain (with a few broken links that we also have to assume in). It would be more comparable to finding a piece of metal in Ohio, and another piece of metal in France, and constructing a tractor by trying to put those two pieces together - and then extrapolating a combine from two or three tractors we put together as I just described.We may be able to guess, but we can't be certain by any means, no.You're right that it's not covered in the Bible - other than where it mentions God changing us throughout time (after the Tower of Babel, after the fall from the Garden, when he changed our longevity, etc., etc., etc.) However, I'm still not trying to prove the Bible. I'm trying to open your mind that evolution has flaws in concept, in proof, etc.
Personally, I think there is more than enough scientific evidence to support evolution. There are plenty of skeletons which "link" species from apes to humans (all of which are easily googled), and this evidence supports evolution.
Now, have archeologists unearthed the skeletons of every single generation recording every single mutation or change for every family tree going all the way back to the first mitochondrion? No. But to say the entire "theory of evolution" is a house of cards because we lack this information, while ignoring the preponderance of supporting evidence is ludicrous.
Now, if you simply want to say, "The devil put the fossils there" then, by all means, do so, but Science, the scientific method, and scientific evidence ALL points to one conclusion, and one conclusion only.
That's what science is
"Why then is not every geogical formation and every stratum full of such intermiate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain, and this, perhaps is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory."
The history of most fossil species included two features particularly inconsistent with gradulism:
1. Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappeared; Morphological change is usually limited and directionless.
2. Sudden Appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and 'fully formed'. (from 'Evolution's Erratic Pace', Natural History 1977 vol. 86)
I hate to break the joke up for you, but I don't need to include evolution in "my story" to make it believable to myself. I merely mention it's a possibility because A) it is, and B) it demonstrates my open mind on the subject.
For it to be "another thing I stick in the story", there would have to have been a previous thing. There's not, so..... (Tox, you're right, sometimes extrapolation DOES work just fine!)
Ever heard of the Cambrian Explosion? Perhaps the devil placed all those fossils in the Cambrian explosion...
i understnad that all of the evidence isn't in. but the facts of the matter support the theory that evolution has and is happening.
you and others continue to ignore that moany of the fossils do shoe intermediate forms of humans that were more ape like.
you use the bible when it suits you, and when it is obviously countered by science you claim it is incomplete and you really do subscribe to its arguments.
at least baydoll sticks to one side.
as for your not defedning the
just because we ahvn't found THE missing link, doesn't mean the theory is wrong.
my GF's priest and i were talking aout this the other day. we both had a big laugh about the fact there are people who actually believe that the devil put fossils in the gound jsut to discredit the bible and to make people question its integrity. The priest and i agree that fossils (we were talking aout dinosaurs) dont necessarily discredit the bible, but believing the DEBIL did it is just.... well.... you got to be pretty gulible
So what DO you think of the Cambrian explosion? Does it prove Darwin's theory or not?
We know you've ignored the "Inacuracies in the Bible" post, we've accepted you will not attempt to address them. Can you at least let us know your thoughts on the Age of the World?
You've skated it twice now but to make it easier i've created a Graph, can you let us know where you fall?
6000 years <-------------Couple Million years------------->Gajillion years................[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]