Ashton Kutcher Is Joining 'Two And A Half Men'


Ubi bene ibi patria

"UPDATE, 12:40 p.m.: CBS has sent out a press release confirming that Ashton Kutcher will join the cast of Two And A Half Men beginning this fall.

Last night, news started to percolate that Ashton Kutcher was set to join Two And A Half Men, filling the void left by Charlie Sheen — who, you may have heard, has been having some personal problems.

Among his other selling points, Kutcher has more than 6.6 million Twitter followers, and they didn't have to wait long for him to comment. The Hollywood Reporter posted a story at about 8:00 Eastern saying it had confirmed rumors that Kutcher was close to a deal to join the show, and an hour later, Kutcher tweeted ... a wink. Just a wink.

About a half-hour after that, he tweeted, "What's the square root of 6.25?" The answer, of course, is two and a half. This morning, some reports had the deal already done, but there's no official confirmation quite yet."

This show was always 5% Sheen/95% the other cast members.


USMC 1983-1995
I don't think he'll be as good as Charlie -no one does deviant, alcohol soaked, self-absorbed rich prick like he does. He's had so much off camera practice.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This show was always 5% Sheen/95% the other cast members.

Well THAT is bull####.

I can't stand Ashton Kutcher and dislike Demi Moore since she started finding that no-talent adolescent punk attractive. Who freaking leaves Bruce Willis for Ashton Kutcher???



This show was always 5% Sheen/95% the other cast members.

I will admit that I have not seen every episode of 2.5 Men. But I have seen a good many of them.

Unless I have inadvertently watched ONLY the shows featuring Charlie Sheen, while he does not appear in ANY OTHER EPISODES (which I believe is unlikely), then the above analysis is incredibly, mind-blowingly, overwhelmingly inaccurate. Even someone with runny #### for brains can see that.

Based on the sampling I've seen, it's more like 65% Sheen and 35% everybody else. And that's being generous to "everybody else".

All the best to Kutcher - but he's got some big honking shoes to fill, and I'm not altogether confident that he's up to the task.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
Two and a half Men has been in decline since the boy grew up and Alan went gay. I predict Kutcher will only speed up the demise. A little bird 'tweeted' to me.:roflmao: