SMCM Assistant Professor of Psychology Gili Freedman Receives Collaborative Grant from the National Science Foundation

Assistant Professor of Psychology Gili Freedman Receives Collaborative Grant from the National Science Foundation Angela Draheim July 24, 2020 - 1:34 pm
July 24, 2020
Dr. Gili Freedman

Assistant Professor of Psychology at St. Mary's College of Maryland Gili Freedman and colleague Jennifer Beer (University of Texas at Austin) recently received a collaborative, three-year grant from the National Science Foundation for a total of $465,222 ($75,102 of which will go to SMCM).

In the project titled “Collaborative Research: Lessening the Blow of Social Rejection," Freedman and Beer will investigate the language of social rejection and how power and concern for one’s reputation shape the way that individuals reject others. A central aim of the project is to develop empirically supported training that teaches individuals how to be less hurtful when they engage in social rejection. Starting this fall, Freedman will be working with SMCM collaborative research students on the first stages of the grant.

Read the award abstract on NSF’s website.