


First thing, I found that BJ's has their own brand of Zyrtec and it is only 14.99 for 150 tablets!

Second thing, I ended up in the ER this morning having a severe asthma attack, nebulizer wasn't doing anything to help me. They stuck me on their nebulizer for an hour and put me on prednisone for the next four days (lock up all your goodies) and sent me home. I should be fine now, but they told me to stay in bed for today. (yeah right, I have 3 kids and a zoo)

Anyway, all is good for now, except I am shaking like a leaf! :howdy:


The prednisone will make you zing around the house like a speed demon :starcat: and eat like a starving person :drool::bdaycake:. Good luck - hope you feel better soon! :getdown:



I feel bad for the kids, my son was on the pulmicort and albuteral for a while and he seems to have out grown it and only 4 almost 5. They say it can come back, I hope not

I hope my little buddy grows out of it too . . . I'm half scared to disipline him - if he throws a fit he forgets to breathe and it brings on an attack.


Mine have too with meds. I have used my inhaler and I have the shakes real bad but it is not helping my chest any. Hope the nebulizer will or its back to the hospital for me. :bawl: I hate being sick!

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
I feel your pain. The allergies don't help at all. I take Singular, Symbicort and Clarinex everyday and I still need to take my rescue inhaler (albuterol) more frequently.

Callie girl

New Member
I hope my little buddy grows out of it too . . . I'm half scared to disipline him - if he throws a fit he forgets to breathe and it brings on an attack.

That's so sad. I'm starting to have a little problem with my allergies which will kick my asthma in.


Free to Fly
I take Advair for the Asthma but have been using my Albuterol quite a bit as a backup lately. I use Flonase daily but my allergies have been giving me fits lately too. Toppick - you're not helping! Come here and let me sneeze on you!


I am still fighting with my allergies. My chest is starting to clear up, but now I have lost my voice. Despite all these stupid medicines my nose still pours! UGH I hate spring sometimes! :lmao:


Active Member
I am still fighting with my allergies. My chest is starting to clear up, but now I have lost my voice. Despite all these stupid medicines my nose still pours! UGH I hate spring sometimes! :lmao:

You may want to try to drink warm liquids more often. (I usually drink Lemon Tea.). It helps to moisten and soothe your throat and lungs. If you have post-nasal drip, it helps to get the mucus flowing too.

Mucinex is great for the drippage.
