No, I am definitely a boring atheist who won't be attending marches and seeking like minds. I don't feel oppressed by Christians and other religious types, therefore don't need a support group.
I was very much like this before I became a Belieber.
It irritated me no end that there are groups and cliques and forums - and back in the lazy hazy days of Usenet, a newsgroup hierarchy - dedicated to atheism. I never could understand why those people gathered together an identified themselves by what they
don't believe. I never felt the urge to go into a bar with a group of non-unicorn-believing friends, and chat the night away about how we are logical intellectual powerhouses because we don't believe in unicorns, and how stupid people simply believe in unicorns, because they need a crutch.
I never felt the need to inject myself into conversations of believers and point out their logical fallacies and generally be a atheist flavored douche-bag.
Much like I don't now feel the need to tell atheists they're going to hell, or demand proof that God doesn't exist.
The simple fact is that one's belief, or lack thereof, is an extremely personal thing (to most people). It is often closer to their heart than their very own spouses, and in some cases, their children. And if anyone thinks that showing up and poking at that belief with a rhetorical stick is going to illicit anything but a hostile response is absolutely oblivious to human nature, or willfully ignorant of it.