Post Hamas Foolishments


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Illinois man stabbed 6-year-old Muslim boy 26 times in hate crime motivated by Israel-Hamas war: police

  • A 71-year-old man, Joseph Czuba, was charged with hate crimes for stabbing a 6-year-old Muslim boy to death and injuring his mother in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
  • The boy was stabbed 26 times with a military-style knife, and his mother had multiple stab wounds but is expected to survive.
  • The Council on American-Islamic Relations condemned the attack and highlighted a disturbing increase in hate calls and emails since the outbreak of violence in the Middle East.

Oh FFS this will not help anything
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Well-Known Member
Awesome. So now the whole world will get to run stories about how horribly racist America is because one guy killed two people. I somehow doubt the rest of the world will take up the mantra that it was the mom/childs fault for occupying this guys land (since he was their landlord).
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Here's What We Know About the Man Suspected of Shooting Palestinian-American Students

Political Beliefs​

The extent of Eaton’s political beliefs is not completely clear, but his social media postings indicate he gravitated towards libertarianism. However, he also expressed support for both Republican and Democratic politicians and candidates.

In a now-locked account on X, he describes himself as a “radical citizen” who patrols “demockracy and crapitalism for oathcreepers.” His banner image features big bold text, saying “Libertarians want trans furrys (sic) to be able to protect their cannabis farms with unregistered machine guns.”

In the archived version, he describes himself as a “dad” and “part-time farmer” and identifies himself as being from Vermont. His archived posts are mainly filled with criticisms of the IRS and the Fed. He describes himself as a Libertarian, and expresses support for both Democrat and Republican lawmakers or candidates.

Eaton also wrote posts on social media opposing the COVID-19 vaccination. He wrote a post titled “Thought Crime,” in which he characterizes the pandemic as a government conspiracy, referring to the “scale and scope” of the response to the coronavirus as “next level.”

He expressed these views on LinkedIn but indicated that he was deleting some posts because his views “make some people not want to hire me.”

Sounds like a Leftest Nutter ...


Well-Known Member
Anyone who stabs a 6 year old boy 26 times is insane.
I don't know his previous condition, but at that time he was insane.

Now don't get me wrong, I do not agree with the sentiment that if you were insane you cannot get the chair.
IMO they ought to move to the head of the line.
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LONDON HAS FALLEN: Tensions rise as Pro-Palestine protesters continue to cause chaos​



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Pramila Jayapal Equivocates on Hamas Rapes: ‘We Have to Be Balanced’

CNN host Dana Bash, interviewing Jayapal on State of the Union on Sunday, asked Jayapal — who leads the Progressive Caucus — about whether she condemned sexual violence committed on October 7.

Critics began mocking Jayapal’s response, noting the hypocrisy of her earlier exhortations to believe every woman, versus her willingness to “balance” sexual violence against Israeli women against some other alleged misdeeds, real or imagined.



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Pramila Jayapal Equivocates on Hamas Rapes: ‘We Have to Be Balanced’

CNN host Dana Bash, interviewing Jayapal on State of the Union on Sunday, asked Jayapal — who leads the Progressive Caucus — about whether she condemned sexual violence committed on October 7.

Critics began mocking Jayapal’s response, noting the hypocrisy of her earlier exhortations to believe every woman, versus her willingness to “balance” sexual violence against Israeli women against some other alleged misdeeds, real or imagined.

Muslim woman believes Jewish women deserve to be raped.



PREMO Member

Teachers Union Official Compiled List Of Nearby Wealthy Jews, Calling Them ‘Gluttons And Thieves’

A Maryland teacher is on leave while the school system investigates her for a string of anti-Semitic social media posts that included creating a list of wealthy Jews in her county, claiming they horde wealth while contributing nothing to society, and calling for “class war.”


Angela Wolf is head of the English Language Development department, which caters to immigrant children, at Takoma Park Middle School, in the most leftist enclave of liberal Montgomery County. Though she was temporarily removed from school, she remains a board member of the Montgomery County Education Association, one of the largest teachers union locals in the country representing 14,000 staff.


In response to criticism, she claimed — referring the the group of people with names like Rubenstein — that she had “no idea these billionaires are Jewish or that my word choice had an [sic] historic significance for the Jewish community. The diatribe against these two words has turned the discussion into a fallacious attack … People are angry at teachers or a particular politician or the poor. I have read no attacks on the 1% … who have NOT ‘earned’ ‘their wealth.’”

She said “they use their accumulated wealth to further their own interests” and blamed their hoarding for students falling behind while teachers unions refused to work because of COVID. “There should be little question that staying home should NOT equal mental health crises for kids and communities angry because school staff also need to be home,” she wrote.


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'Pathological Liar' or 'Brave' Victim? The Curious Case of the 'Islamophobic Hate Crime' at Stanford

He stated he'd been harmed in other, more profound ways beyond the physical:

The physical wounds will heal with time, but the emotional scars -- the feeling of being targeted solely because of my physical appearance, heritage and beliefs -- are likely to linger.

CNN and AOL highlighted Omira's magnanimity with this headline: "Muslim student struck in Stanford hit-and-run calls for love, compassion, from hospital bed."

On November 21, Doug Emhoff (Mr. Kamala Harris) and U.S. Ambassador at Large Rashad Hussain met with Omira at Stanford to offer their support of Omira's "brave resolve." Emhoff somberly intoned, "No one should live in fear of being targeted for who they are. We must continue to fight back against Islamophobia and hate of every kind."

Note the crutch in the photo.

But there's a problem with the story.

Since the incident, if there was one, queries to police agencies investigating the hate crime have gone unanswered except for the statement that they're no longer overseeing the investigation or they're on vacation. We've heard nothing about arrests or witnesses. There is no information about CCTV confirmation of the attack, if such records exist. How many tips have come into the tipline on campus? No answer. An email to Omira's campus address went unanswered. Somewhere along the line ABC News changed its story about Omira, removing most of his bedside quotes included from its original story and truncating his heroic statements for some reason.

There's been only one storyline: that this brave and brilliant student is fortitude unblemished.

But there is another story told by his classmates that hasn't surfaced.

Omira's LinkedIn biography reveals that the AI enthusiast is also a humanitarian with a group in Syria called The White Helmets, which "is a community-based civil defense organization founded in 2013 to provide emergency management services in areas of Syria where state-run services had collapsed following the outbreak of the conflict."

They look like Antifa. Maybe they're Pallywood.

Joe Biden's secretary of State thinks the world of this group:

But why do Omira's fellow classmates think he's full of it?

Immediately after the drive-by Islmophobic attack, the Stanford Review, an alternative campus newspaper, reported that students offered a completely different take on our "brave" Stanford Islamist. They said that he was a "pathological liar" who had reported "another incident last year, which was also sent out in an email to the student body."

In other words, they believe Omira is at the very least a fabulist.

[T]he claim that he was a victim of a hate crime appears dubious. Students who know Omira personally refer to him as a “pathological liar,” and are deeply concerned that his story was fabricated. The Review confirmed this information with multiple students familiar with Omira.
tudents are increasingly concerned about the validity of the victim’s claims, and believe that Omira’s claim of a hate crime is likely fabricated. Multiple students describe Omira as a “pathological liar.” They also claim that he was also an alleged victim of another incident last year, which was also sent out in an email to the student body, in which “a stranger tapped a Middle Eastern student on the shoulder, called him a terrorist, and told him to ‘go home.’” The Review has confirmed these accounts with multiple students.

Those who know Omira also maintain that he has lied about and fabricated many other aspects of his life. In an Instagram post from 2019, a user who met him shared the life story that Omira had told him—the “craziest story” he had ever heard...

That "craziest story" they'd ever heard involved Omira being kidnapped and held hostage by Syrian dictator Bashar Assad's henchmen, which, if you're in The White Helmets, doesn't seem so crazy.


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Residents LOSE IT As Police DO NOTHING About WOKE ACTIVISTS BLOCKING Traffic Across The Country!
